Nostalga Gaming.

Nostalgia gaming.

If you call yourself a gamer then I know you have those one or two games that you credit with making you a gamer.

If you a gamer from way back like myself then pretty much all those old c64, nes, snes, and atari games that you loved so much are avaliable on your pc through the magic of roms and emulation.

Even still these roms somehow never really rekindle those first feelings, part of this is largely because looking back things tend to be a little rose colored and the truth is some of there games have not aged well at all and the other is the platform somehow sitting infront of a pc breaks the connection to the memory.

Enter the minis.


You have probably noticed the trend of mini re releases the NES mini, the SNES mini, and now the C64 mini.

These are your chance to get your vintage gaming on without having to spend bulk cash to buys consoles and games that have collectors price tags on them.

Ok, so they don't get you every title but they do make a good effort at giving a good selection of awesome games and give you that real old school feeling of holding that controller in your hand and sitting infront of the TV just like you did when you were a kid.


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