Mengunjungi kebun # bagian 1


Kemaren dulu saya membawa putri saya kekebun kopi ayah saya.anak-anak sangat senang.disana putri saya ditemani oleh saudara sepupunya.kami semua menjelajah kebun.memetik bebrapa buah alpokat.dan juga beberapa buah jeruk kaprok yang kebetulan sedang masa berbuah banyak.


Suami saya swdang memetik buah alpokat.karena alat pemitiknya hilang dia nekat memanjat langsung.demi kami semua.he he he.


Suasana di dalam pondok kebun.dulunya pondok ini sering dipakai oleh ayah saya untuk menginap dikebun menjaga kolam ikan beliau.
Semenjak beliau semakin uzur beliau tidak pernah lagi menginap dikebun.lagi pula kolam ikan ayah sudah tidak lagi difungsikan.
Ayah hanya kekebun saat buah kopi masak.beliau datang buat manen buah kopi.jadi pondok ini sudah agak sedikit rusak sehingga tidak layak lagi buat tempat menginap..

The #ccc initiative, "newbies helping newbies" and "guaranteed Daily Income and Payout"", has launched. If you want to use #ccc as your hastag the please follow the rules as below
Curation Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One!
I will only post original contents (not counting graphics or external links) on steemit or busy only.
I will clearly and properly source references, text and other media, abiding by copy rights.
I will respect other people's opinion, nationality, religious belief, language, and culture.
I will abide by rules laid out in the FAQ and generally accepted by the community.
I also understood and agreed that: if my post has been voted or flagged by @cheetah, @steemcleaner, @introbot, or @badcontent or similar bots, it is immediately disqualified for said benefits. Please read this post from @freedomshift

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