Read about Music + Social Media (Steemit and others) + Distraction from Cryptos in this post... Owww, also some cool music you can find by scrolling down and down and down this post :)

Cryptos!! What a rollercoaster!
Sooo many who didn't follow my advise of two days ago: HODL + Distract your mind was the credo, but many of you panicked and sold! Maybe I selected a too easy piece of music for you!?
Sooooo, I'll re-iterate the message: HODL and DISTRACT your MIND! The market is still settling, and better to make your next moves when all is kinda settled, since in settling mode, any coin can do very unexpected things.
Back to music, since that is what we are here for. From to kinda manageable disco-ish recording I presented you two days ago, I'm gonna challenge your MINDS today in the hope it
- DISTRACTS you from doing things with your cryptos that you will regret later
- Please Your Mind with some GOOD music!
I had to be distracted a lot, so I continued to path of listening to more challenging music. And what better than to listen to some Aphex Twin. And I added something to it...
some Other Social Media
I started to check out other social media, from crypto based ones, to kinda crypto based ones. Last week I already mentioned I started becoming a little bit active there, just to check it out how it works. The community is still quite small. They have a token and have plans to integrate that with their social media platform.
Another service I already had an account with and started to check out a bit more, is Nexus. Seems not very active at the moment, but they are about the release their next version (v2.0) and will have their coin/token integrated with that release, or at least, they claim that. Maybe that will result in some action!
In this search for social networks, I also stumbled upon SOLA. Well stumbled!? @mammasitta pointed that one out to me; thanks you so much! Also in this one I got a bit active, again to check out what they do, what the service is about and all.
I plan to review all these social networks and inform you about it, soon! Can not and will not promise timelines, therefore I stated SOON.
I recently learned, from a native Indian, Australian citizen living in the UK: "SOON" can mean anything, from days to years. Now, I hope my SOON will not mean years, but more like days or maximum weeks...
Sorry, I may have lost you with my blahblahblah, back to music. Well....
Get another round of Distraction / Hit the Play Button
Artist: Aphex Twin
Set: Bleep
Year: 2015
Country: UK