Genesis League Goals - Pack Opening is Here!!

The Genesis League Sports (GLS) Team is excited to announce that Pack Opening for Genesis League Goals (GLG) is here. This is a much anticipated milestone towards the game launch for GLG. In partnership with the Major League Soccer Players Asscociation (MLSPA), the team has been working over the last few months to finalize player rosters and stats to be used in game. Stats for each card are based on player's real life performance in the field from the previous season, which makes it more interesting for fans to choose and play with the players they love the most. This post explains everything you need to know about Pack Opening and Card Types found in packs.

Note: Details in this post are subject to change. Final updates will be shared before game release.

More details on card combining and leveling will be shared in later posts.

Pack Opening

GMLSPA Packs - There will be a mix of player cards and coach cards to be collected by opening packs. There are a total of 396 cards (including all players and coach cards as shown in the below table). Each GMLSPA packs will consist of 5 cards. Each card will have a 5% chance of being a Gold Foil. Additionally users will be able to purchase and use Scout Passes to double the chances of receiving Gold Foils during pack opening.

Card TypeNumber of Players

Scout Passes - These are similar to Potions in Splinterlands. They double your chances of receiving a coveted Gold Foil card every time a new card pack is opened. Each Scout Pass affects only one card. These can be bought from shop/pack openeing page at a price of 60 Credits or 0.06 GLUSD.

Please note that as of April 6, scout passes will provide an extra 15% bonus chance to receive gold foils. This 15% boost will last for 2 weeks and then reduce by 1% every week following until pack staking rewards are finished on June 6, 2023 (please see the special promotion section at the end of this post for more details).


Coach Cards are a type of support card that offers formations and buffs to the game. For playing the game, a coach is must needed for the team to enter in the playing field. More details about skills and stats will be shared at a later date.

Player Cards are a single card in the game, depicting a MLSPA player. These cards will participate in and play the game against your opponents. Each card will have a front and back view, showing different stats and abilities. Please check out the Card Stats Section below. Player Cards will cover four (4) positions and each of those positions will be needed to play the game. The list is as follows:

  1. Goalkeeper (GK)
  2. Defender (DF)
  3. Midfielder (MF)
  4. Forwards (FW)

Card Stats

Card Front

Player cards will have two types of stats (Defensive and Offensive). These stats are based on real life performances of players on the field from the previous season. A list of all stats are shown in the table below. More details on each stat will be shared in later posts.

Offensive StatsDefensive Stats
PA - PassIN - Interception
SH - ShotBL - Block
DR- DribbleTA - Tackle

Card Back

The card backs will represent the level of card with player name. It will show the dynamic stats of card that change after every game played. User will be able to apply Skills or attach Equipment to cards to enhance their player card's abilities and stats. Details about each item will be shared in a later post.

Note: These details are subjet to change before game release.

Team Formation

To form a team and play the game, users will need a minimum of 8 cards (1 coach and 7 player cards). The breakup of player cards will be as follows:

  • 1 Coach (Co)
  • 1 Goalkeeper (GK)
  • 2 Defeders (DF)
  • 2 Midfielders (MF)
  • 2 Forwards (FW)

Additionally, user will be able to choose 5 players (in addition to above list) as substitutes and up to 10 reserve players per team.

Note: Details on team formation are subject to change. Final details will be shared in later posts once game is released.

Special Promotion

Now users have two options i.e. stake packs to earn GLX or open packs to get cards. To incentivise pack opening, GLG is allowing extra boost for gold foil cards for for next 8 weeks. These boost would only apply after use of scout pass and are total %age chance for each card to be gold foil.

  • 15% Gold Foil chance for first two weeks (week 1 & 2) of pack opening
  • 13% Gold Foil chance for week 3 & 4 of pack opening
  • 12% Gold Foil chance for week 5 & 6 of pack opening
  • 11% Gold Foil chance for week 7 & 8 of pack opening

After 8 weeks, scout pass boost will be set to normal i.e. 10% (double of 5%) as stated above in scout pass section above.

Support Guides

The amazing support team has created guides to help our with pack opening! Please check out the links below:

  1. How to buy Packs?
  2. How To Buy Scout Passes?
  3. Opening Pack and Using Scout Passes
  4. Navigating The Collection View
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

Hope you will like the update and try opening few packs. Please share your feedback and suggestions in comments.

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