Finding Gratitude when things seem less than Ideal

Staying in a place of gratitude is an important part of mindful living. So is keeping a positive attitude.

But even though we may do our best to manifest positive things, while keeping adhering to mantras such as "everything is perfect, all the time, no exceptions," life does seem to have a way to throw a few wrinkles our way.

Finding the light...

For example, this week we worked extra hard — with workshops, extra sessions with clients and the eBay businesses — so we could get some much needed new patio furniture and plants for the garden, ahead of our annual event we host for World Labyrinth Day on the first Saturday of May.

The Universe Provided!

We managed to come up with $400 extra to make our event possible!

The yesterday, my car wouldn't start when I needed to go to town buy aforesaid items for our event.

A tow to a local garage and a conversation with our mechanic later — switches, thermostats and sparkplugs plus labor to the tune of "about $400" were needed. 

How do we look at these situations?

Our backyard labyrinth in yesterday's evening light

On one hand, we are blessed because we happened to have managed to scrape together $400, so we were able to pay for car repairs without it being a crisis.

On the other hand, the money raised for making our even nice went to car repairs instead and we're right back to point zero.

The intentions of the Universe are not always clear, and sometimes we end up being grateful in unexpected ways. Today, we have gratitude for still having a running vehicle without missing a beat!

Maybe life is really about balance: Good things come into our lives to offset the disasters. 

What do YOU think?

Bright Blessings!

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The White Light Express Mission Statement:

The mission of the White Light Express is to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.  

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