Steemit Is More Than Just Money 💰

Let me guess - you came to Steemit to earn a lot of money, you can just imagine yourself being so rich that you could make Money Angels whenever you felt like it?

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No you probably didn't but it would be nice! You can admit that you came here for the money though because we did to. However, what you do with your time on Steemit is far more important than the payout on your post and that is something to always remember. If you come in with money, money, money on your brain all the time you will more than likely miss the amazing community here on Steemit. You will miss the friends that you could have met. You will miss the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others! You will get discouraged by making nothing on your post because money was the ONLY thing on that mind of yours. Don't believe me? Just watch. Follow along with I am about to say and I will tell you what I mean.

I see a lot of new users join Steemit and even on their very first post, they don't reply to comments made to them. Maybe even a few weeks have gone by and they still don't really engage with the community. It could be for reasons that I will never know of and it also could be for the fact that the post are not making what they planned and now they are a little sad about it. Trust me I said a few words about Steemit once or twice myself. I wanted to quit wasting my time as I would say. Why am I still here? Because people encouraged me to never give up, they told me that the beginning sucks and I wasn't going to change it with my whiny face. I needed to turn that frown upside down and go make friends!

Alright that is easy..or is it?

Engaging with the community is what will make your time here worth it, it will make your time here very fun! You will meet so many talented, amazing, creative, friendly people. Engage with the community and every stat will go up eventually, I promise you. It doesn't matter how great your post are if you are not getting out there and showing what you're working with, how will we ever know what you got? Making a post and leaving the rest vacant isn't going to be enough. Unless you came here with money but in that case this post isn't for you anyway. Don't just comment to get your name out there, that won't help you either. I mean actually make friends! Write meaningful comments, join contest, read what someone has to say and build your own empire.

Here are a few examples of comments that won't help you much and then I will tell you where the real motivation for this post is coming from -

great post

good job

good one bro

Obviously at some point it may be necessary to just say simple phrases, which is fine but when someone writes a quality post and your first comment is similar to those above, your name will probably be looked past. If you write a meaningful comment, more than likely you will gain more followers and have the 'love' returned to one of your post. Not always but I bet you it will work quicker than a simple comment. It doesn't even have to be a long comment just something that relates to the post to let the writer know that you read it or at least skimmed through the thing.

Now to bring your attention to a few very special Steemians!









Why are these Steemians special?

Each one of them play a huge role in helping the Steemit community and especially new users learn, earn & grow. They are all members of @greetersguild, also known as Steemit Greeters Guild (SGG). Every member is extremely important but I want to shine the spotlight on these three for right now. You need to know what SGG is first so I will let @greetersguild tell it straight from their mouth (or computer?)...

Steemit Greeters Guild, also called SGG or The Guild is a new Steemit based community initiative formed to promote growth and success on the platform by utilizing compassion, education and camaraderie. By reaching out to new members of the community or members who are struggling, SGG is able to welcome them with open arms, provide them with advice, give them their well deserved place in the spotlight and help them with their journey on the Steemit platform. Our mission is to create a pillar to the community that will accept quality authors into the community on a daily basis to build them and properly equip them for their future endeavors not only on the platform, but in life in general. That is just the beginning of explaining who we are, believe me there is so much more!

Sounds amazing, right? That's because it is! @terminally is very important to @greetersguild considering he is the man in charge right now. He keeps us all motivated everyday to go out and change the Steemit world one day at a time. He is very active in the discord channel which is the main hub for helping keep this initiative running smoothly. @terminallyill is working very hard on SGG, he doesn't want any of the members to feel that their hard work is for nothing or goes unnoticed so he rewards the members very often. The reward changes but you can bet your bottom dollar he will surprise you with something throughout the week. Sometimes it is SBD and sometimes it could be an Upvote and Resteem on your post. Either way, it is so appreciated and his hard work for this initiative is amazing. His heart is truly in it for the greater good of the Steemit community and I truly believe it would detrimental to not have him leading us.

@smylie2005 and @gracefavour have both been working really hard over at SGG and I don't know if they realize how much it is appreciated and how important it is to Greeters Guild but they are both amazing. Both of them are scouts and this is a very important job because it helps us to greet more new users at a faster pace. They look for quality content from new users and bring it over to us on discord. The Greeters are then deployed to go meet and greet them. Not only do they just scout the newbies they also welcome them when they can as well. This process and having members dedicated to their job has truly helped make a difference.

My Greeters Guild experience has been...

Greeters Guild has been an amazing opportunity for me and I am so thankful to be a part of it. The appreciation from the new users when the Greeters show interest in them with quality, meaningful comments is enough reason for you to say "Steemit is worth it after all". The way I look at this, a new user isn't just 'one new person joining Steemit", it is to benefit several people. First, when we find new users with quality content we have high hopes to be able to guide them to stay on Steemit and not get discouraged. That quality content they bring us will benefit the entire Steemit community in one way or another. Not only that, majority of us all have a family at home. We join Steemit to help better our situations and our families income. By guiding a new user to provide great content, we are also helping their family. I feel so honored to be a part of this. This initiative is absolutely amazing in so many ways.

We have different job classes for the members of Greeters Guild, we support one another, make each other smile and have already started a wonderful community over there at SGG. We encourage new users to come visit with us over on discord so that we can give in depth guidance, support and motivation to them. We even have a library that people can visit so that we can truly help them learn, earn and grow!

We are always looking for more Steemians who are interested in helping out the community and gaining awesome friends while doing so. Remember what I said in the beginning?

Engaging with the community is what will make your time here worth it

You get so wrapped up in helping the community and supporting the friends you made, before you know it you will look back on your post and see how much you have grown. Your Upvotes will increase as well as the payout. It may not be much at first but an increase is an increase, you know what i'm saying? Some people think that helping new users is a waste of time and we should be chasing the big fish. If you want that sense of community, go with the little fish. Swim in a pack until YOU are the big fish. Stay with your pack after that point too of course. Everything about this is so rewarding, from seeing the new users happy to have someone write a meaningful comment, all the way to the Greeters honestly wondering how your day is going and them wanting to check out your post.

Believe me, Steemit is more than just money!

You can watch or you can join but don't say that @magicalmoonlight didn't tell ya so...

I do want to tell you about one Steemian that I met as a Greeter that has really stuck in my mind and that is @grandam. She has only made her introduction post so far but she still comes around when she can and leaves the most thoughtful, meaningful comments. That women is full of wise wisdom that we could all benefit from. With guidance and support, she will do amazing here. I encourage you all to check her out and hopefully we can come together to help her grow.

Every member of SGG is very important

Each of you are very appreciated and we are so lucky to have you on our team.

@davemccoy, @markkennard, @cryptkeeper17 and @terminallyill (they all put their minds together to create this amazing initiative)


A big thank you goes to all of those wonderful members who are currently active in SGG

Come join us and become a Scout, Greeter, Scout/Greeter or just a helping hand for support to the members and the newbies! We are always looking to expand our team so that we can get more Greeters out on the field to help new users. New Users - come join us as well so that we can help you learn,earn and grow!!

Leave a comment with any questions or come straight to our door, we welcome you with open arms. The link below is where you can find us

You do not have to join discord to become a Greeter. If you want to become a Greeter without signing up for discord just let me know in the comments. I will add you to the list and I will be your voice over in discord so that you receive the support from joining SGG.

New users do not have to join discord to receive guidance, support and motivation. If you are new and need any help at all no matter how big or small, please go directly to any post written by @greetersguild and/or go directly to a member of SGG and we will give you all the support you will ever need.

Please don't forget to follow @greetersguild. That way you can stay updated with any new post and see what we are up to. If you do not want to become a Greeter but would still like to show your support, you can do so by following @greetersguild and helping us get the word out. This also helps us grow so that we can help new users even more.

All GIFs belong to Giphy

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Follow @greetersguild and join us on discord to learn more (newbies and non newbies welcome). We are always looking for more Greeters to join our team!


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