IDEA: Using Steemit To Fix To Fiverr. "Everyone In The World Has Something To Offer!"

Steemit Vs Fiverr

Steemit: The home of the internet's greatest and reputable minds, incessantly rehearsing creativity using the beauty and advancement of steem technology.

Fiverr: Says they are the world's largest freelance services marketplace allowing lean entrepreneurs, to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.

made with


Fiverr is one place I have used in the past. Apart from uploading my own gigs, it is fun to read the very random yet creative gigs of others. You will always like the feeling you get, knowing that you are surrounded by actual humans, who are accessible and who can carry out even the weirdest tasks imaginable at $5. 

Imagine having some one have write the word “steemit" on the sands of Jamaica or having someone instruct kids to sing the name of your brand repeatedly around the streets of Kuala Lumpur, for a token. These types of gigs are available on Fiverr and most of these start at $5. 

What is the problem?

Hahaha, surprisingly or not very surprisingly, the problem is with Fiverr!

We will use steemit to fix these problems!

Problems of Fiverr that Steemit Easily Fixes.

1. Fees: Fiverr takes $1 away from each $5 freelancer's earning. They also have freelancers redeem their payments to Paypal and Paypal also has fees!

2. Censorship: Your about-to-be-published gigs have to go through a screening process till it is approved. Sometimes this process can be slow and in some cases hectic as you are required to edit and edit it and in some cases, can outrightly disapproved. NB: If your gigs stay inactive for a period of time, they are put on hold or paused and will no longer show in the Fiverr search results!

3. Traffic: Fiverr has a search engine for its gigs, with an algorithm similar to giant search engines like google, bing etc. "Mostly the popular gigs get seen!" The truth is, on Fiverr you can have the very best gigs and just not get seen.

4. Trust: To decide on availing of a Fiverr gig, you base your trust, mostly on reviews and sometimes off of Fiverr’s ratings.

5. Chargebacks: This is common with financial institutions and third party merchants.

6. Ease of paying for gigs: If you don’t have a credit card, Paypal or funds earned from your own gigs, how do you avail of gigs that you love?

7. Financial loss: Fiverr can go offline.

8. Privacy: Fiverr is not very private! You may have to reveal your personal information.

We have that amazing community of great minds but how much do we know this community and its depth! 

It is always said; "exhaust all your resources"; but do we know all our resources? Do we know our steemians yet, well enough? Do we know what each steemian can really do? 

In reality, if we combine every steemian head and analyze fully, the combined brain power; "it is enough power to find cure for AIDS or move and displace Kilimanjaro by 20km at 20km/hour".

How many steemians, tire out a bit and take a steemit break from blogging and curating?

How many regular internet users are turned away, the first time they find steemit as they aren't bloggers and may have seen only the blogging aspect of steemit?

Each Steemian has something to offer!

What is the solution?

A community-driven endeavor to use steemit to fix all the problems of Fiverr!

Thus, the birth of: ( or (

Steemit fixes Fiverr!

1. Fees: Steemit transactions are free.

2. Censorship: You can publish the steemgigs that you like and you don’t need to go through an approval process.

3. Traffic: Steemgigs gives you both google and steemit traffic.

4. Trust: Steemit is a social community of reputable people! It is built on a blockchain, leaving all transactions public. 

A steemian’s reputation is also public!

5. Charge-backs: The steem blockchain eliminates reasons for charge-backs

6. Ease of paying for steem gig: To pay for a steemgig, simply go to your wallet and complete a transfer. It takes only 3 seconds!

If it is your first time on steemit, join steemit and you will already have some steem to play around with. Curate and create valuable content and that earns you some steem as well. Or simply publish you first steemgig for free!

7. Financial loss: Steem technology is behind every transaction and is decentralized. All transactions are permanent and hosted on encrypted servers round the world.

8. Privacy: You can pay for steemgigs without have to reveal personal information as no credit-cards or third party merchants required. 

Solution Proper: 

This has a bigger picture as highlighted by @luzcypher here and could involve a website external to steemit but for now, we are simply imploring steemians: 

To publish your first steemgig! Simply make use of #steemgigs or #steemgig as the first tag for your post. 
To place your steemgig into a subcategory; you can designate the 2nd to 5th tag to sub-categories e.g (steemgigs_digital-marketing_seo_keyword-research_ads) 

Here is a simple generic format for how a steemGIG post:


Be creative. Your gig can be anything! "Everyone has something to offer". Wait for community’s feedback and if need be, create another gig. 
(NB. In many cases, it is encourage to keep your prices affordable. Part of Fiverr's success comes from keep most gigs at $5.)
You can indicate whether you want sbd or steem or a variation.
Then don't forget to share the url of your steemgig all over social media. You can also do so on and discord channels applicable! 


How will you prove your project was a success?

"As many steemians as possible, joining this community-driven effort and creating their first steemgig under and; will be considered success!"

Since this is all community-driven; proof of success are posts like this: 

1. SteemGigs Offer: English-Croatian Translation 

2. SteemGigs: I Will Ransack Your Blog, Pull Up Your Steemit BlogPosts From Oldest To Newest And Create A Steemit Post Containing Only Your Blogposts!

Special Note

I was thinking of many people when concluding on doing this!

1. @giantbear for instance; who brought around 60 class students from South Africa to join steemit and who is looking for further ways, to encourage these kids to be more creative by means of steemit.

2. @surfermarly, who is taking a steemit break!

3. @krnel who hasn’t blogged for long etc 

These steemians can have multiple simple steemgigs up and running while on break and still have a chance to distribute steem and maintain creativity.

Further Beauty

1. Help us have a better glimpse, into the depth of our steemit community.

2. Help us know our steemit community better

3. Endear steemit to the public!

4. Create further need for steem and steem dollars.

5. Give opportunity for anyone to offer a service. "Everyone can offer something!"

6. Create new reasons to invite newbies to steemit. "Any regular person can join Fiverr and publish a gig!"

7. Create further marketing for steemit as people who upload their gigs on steemit, will have a new need for sharing their steemgig links.

8. Add to the fun and beauty on steemit.

9. Allow new steemgig videos to exist on Youtube, Vimeo etc; bringing further traffic to steemit.

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