I wrote a post a two weeks ago about Steemit having an issue and one a week ago Steemit issue and another one 4 days ago and here I am writing about it again this is getting old , I have been on Steemit since almost the beginning and the lack of being able to have a team of support people is getting old. Any reputable website has a support team and a team of people who fix issues. Why does Steemit not have this?

I have read in Steemit chat and in other post that Steemit does have a team of devs to solve problems. If this is true , why has these issues been going on for almost 3 weeks now?

These problems have been going on for almost three weeks , I know I am not the only one having these problems , if you are experiencing any of these problems and want to be heard and want an explanation PLEASE UP VOTE THIS POST AND LEAVE A COMMENT , none of the devs or anyone working for Steemit are going to see it unless it gets into trending.

This has to be killing new users , If I was a new user I would not be here very long , who wants to post on a website that you have to post your stuff 2-6 times before the website excepts it , and the site is so slow sometimes it takes up to a minute or more to take my upvote , then again sometime it does not take it at all. This is complete BS , I mean you really think Steemit will ever compete with Reddit or Facebook , with it being run like this. Do you think Reddit or Facebook would have let these problems go on for more then 24 hours.

I will be posting this everyday until , I get an explanation on what is going on and the problems are fixed.

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