How to Reduce Inflammation Symptoms

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I’m working to reduce inflammation in my body, and you can too. You will feel better if you do the following over the next month or two:

  • reduce the inflammatory toxins coming into your body by 10%
  • increase the good stuff coming in by 10%
    This is a 20% improvement with almost no effort. The first changes you make are usually quick and done with forever.

How can I start to fix this and not go crazy?

  • Eat in an anti-inflammatory manner.

  • Don't eat gmo's, pesticides, colors, flavors, chemical additives.

  • Do eat organic and as "clean" as you can.

  • Cook your own food.

  • Replace products you use with cleaner ones when you need to get refills.

  • Go natural for cleaning supplies.

  • Go natural for beauty stuff.

  • Learn detox protocols like Dry Skin Brushing, clays, saunas.

  • Exercise gently every day.

  • Get good rest and hydration. <<< Way more of both

  • Do the easy stuff first - don't go crazy and beat yourself up

  • Do one good thing and drop one bad thing at at time.

  • Learn, learn, learn.

We are all inflamed to a degree and can improve. In this new series, I’m going to post about each of those topics above and see how we do.

Read this list and reflect on your own situation. What are the 10 most toxic products in your life? Improve these first.

If I was coaching you in person, I would help with a lot of this in the beginning and you would see results quickly. On steemit, you can ask me questions in the comments.

My questions for you

  • Do you feel inflamed?
  • Do you think you can fix it?
  • Do you think you should bother?
  • What are some of the toxic products in your life?
  • What do you already do to fight inflammation?

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