Benefits of Sole Water and How to Make it


Sole water (pronounced so-lay) is something I've been drinking on and off for a couple of years now. When it comes to natural medicine, prevention is better than cure and that means building up your immune system naturally. A great time to start is early in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking things like honey, cinnamon, black seed oil, turmeric and sole salt.

What is Sole Water

Sole water, is water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt, such as Himalayan rock salt. A large amount of salt is added to the water, the salt then dissolves in the water until it is unable to dissolve any further.

Salt has been blamed for many health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and even kidney damage. But it is not natural salts such as himalayan rock salt that are the cause for these health problems but rather regular table salt.

What Is In Table Salt?
Commonly purchased iodized salts, available at super markets or sitting on the table of your favorite restaurant, have synthetic chemicals added to them. These chemicals include everything from manufactured forms of sodium solo-co-aluminate, iodide, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminium derivatives. It may come as a shock, but most table salt is not only unhealthy, but can sometimes be toxic.

The natural forms of important iodine is lost when we manufacture salt. Without this natural iodine, the thyroid is severely harmed, leading to growth and metabolism issues. Because of this, the chemical-based salt industry began to add synthetic forms of iodine to their products.

Other salts add things such as processed white sugar and toxic MSG (mono-sodium-glutamate). And what about the color of table salt? Salt found in the natural world is not usually white. Table salt has been colored white with bleach. And where does this salt come from? Much of it is the actual flaky residue from oil digging. That is correct. Crude oil extract is one way we produce table salt.

Unlike table salt, natural salt is untreated and contains 84 minerals that are beneficial for the body and helps maintain overall health.


Benefits of Sole Water

  • Helps the body detox
    Natural salt contains 84 minerals which helps the body in it's natural detoxification process. Salt is also anti-bacterial and helps remove bacteria from the body.

  • Reduces muscle cramps
    By improving hydration and the mineral status of the body.

  • Helps with weight loss
    With improved energy and digestion sole promotes healthy weight loss.

  • Helps to balance blood pressure

  • Hydrates the body

  • Helps to balance blood sugar

  • Promotes healthy skin, hair and nails

How to Make Sole Water

  • Fill a glass jar to about a quarter of the way with Himalayan salt or any other natural salt.
  • Then fill the jar with filtered water and close the jar using a plastic lid (metal will rust).
  • Leave covered overnight.
  • There should be some salt left undissolved at the bottom of the jar, this means that the water is fully saturated and the salt cannot dissolve any further. If all the salt is dissolved, then you need to add more salt and leave covered again.

How to Drink Sole Water
Mix 1 tsp of sole into a glass of water, then drink on an empty stomach every morning.

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