For the most part, abandoned churches have been in such a state since the beginning of the last century, when the Soviet Government waged a struggle against religion. Some of these churches were tried to be demolished, some were used for another purpose - warehouses and workshops were placed there, for example. Now many of them are abandoned and in a dilapidated state. Some churches were lucky, they were restored and restored. Others were a little less fortunate, no money was found for the restoration, but conservation work was carried out to avoid further destruction. But, a lot of buildings, among which there are objects of cultural and historical heritage, are simply destroyed. Over time, under the influence of winds and rains, the tree rots, brickwork collapses, walls and roofs collapse
Most are completely uninhabited, only occasionally photographers and tourists come here. But there are abandoned churches, which are rarely visited by parishioners. You can often see traces of looting - they drag everything that can be sold, from bricks to icons.
This abandoned church is located in the Ulyanovsk region, near the village of Koptevka. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the 18th century, the village was large, and the temple was located in the very village. But over time, the village decreased, now only a few dozen yards remain from it.
This building was built in 1835. As they say in some sources - in honor of the victory of Russia over the troops of Napoleon. The church is an identified cultural heritage site by the Governor's 1999 order. The temple is stone, warm, with a throne in honor of the Nativity of Christ. Accordingly, this is what it is called - the Church in the name of the Nativity of Christ
In 2014, the administration of the Ulyanovsk region allocated funds for the examination of the identified heritage. But things did not go further, the building is still abandoned and decaying.