I messed up my last batch of elderflower champagne, which turned into vinegar.
I had made three batches; the first two were bubbly and nice.
And for this third, Unfortunately, I slacked on the ingredients—I reduced the sugar, which meant there wasn’t enough sugar converted to alcohol to deter acetobacter. On top of that, I delayed bottling.
The drum lid must not have been tight enough, allowing air to seep in and create the perfect environment for acetobacter to thrive.
When I opened the drum, a strong vinegar fume hit my face—a huge pellicle floating on the top.
I didn’t know whether to cry about losing my champagne or celebrate that I now had 20 litres of beautifully scented vinegar.
I lifted the huge and healthy pellicle floating on top, completely mesmerized by it.
It’s amazing how they grow!
Underneath the vinegar, there was another thicker one!
This pellicle, often called the “vinegar mother,” is formed by Acetobacter during vinegar fermentation. It’s a mass of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that naturally develops on the surface as vinegar ferments. The presence of the mother is a sign of healthy fermentation.
Today, I worked on bottling the vinegar. The scented aroma is beautiful, and the taste is intense and complex.
Two pellicles resting.
A few bottles!
I cut some pieces of the pellicle and distributed them into the bottles so the vinegar could continue maturing.
The mother allows the vinegar to develop further, enhancing its flavour depth and complexity over time.
I labelled the bottles as "Elderflower Vinegar with the Mother." Now I have plenty to gift to friends and family and a good supply for pickling and preserving.
Through fermentation, I’ve learned that experience is the best teacher. Understanding how microorganisms work in various environments—purposely, accidentally, or through neglect—is fascinating.
Now, I’m wondering what to do with the rest of this massive pellicle.
Any ideas?
Have a lovely day, everyone!
Mariah 😊🍃