Hello my dear and beautiful hive family, I hope that today you are very well, today I will be participating in a contest led by the friend @miriannalis, on the theme of Natural Medicine, where I will be sharing with you a home remedy, easy to prepare, an infusion or tea, In my country Venezuela we are using it a lot as an anti-flu, because with its citric content helps us to breathe much better, it works as an expectorant, relieves general discomfort and contains vitamin C, the capsules today, are not very accessible economically in many citizens. Without further ado I will show you how to prepare this recipe, remember if you want to participate here I will leave the publication my dear friends.

- Citronela.
- Toronjil.
- Miel.
- Limón.
- Citronella.
- Lemon balm.
- Honey.
- Lemon.

Las plantas se lavan muy bien, se pisan y se coloca en un envase para calentar, hasta que hierva dejándolo reposar unos minutos, luego se cuela y se le añade el jugo de limón, y la miel hasta quedar al punto que desee. Se lo aseguro que tiene un sabor muy rico y es muy efectivo.
The plants are washed very well, crushed and placed in a container to heat, until it boils letting it stand for a few minutes, then strain and add the lemon juice and honey to the point you want. I assure you that it has a very rich flavor and is very effective.

Este tipo de té se bebe en las horas de la noche ya cuando vallas a dormir. Para cuando despierta sienta la mejoría. Gracias por leer mi post, saludos y bendiciones.
This type of tea is drunk at night when you go to sleep. By the time you wake up you will feel the improvement. Thank you for reading my post, greetings and blessings.