En esta oportunidad escribo este post como entrada al concurso de la comunidad Natural Medicine, llamado "Detox: Primer paso para purificar nuestro cuerpo. en el cual nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de desintoxicar nuestro organismo con frecuencia para vivir una vida plena y llena de buenas energías.
Blessed day my dear friends of hive, I hope you are well. Welcome once again to my blog, which is becoming more and more varied and colorful thanks to the contests organized by the different communities that make life in this wonderful platform.
This time I write this post as an entry to the Natural Medicine community contest, called "Detox: First step to purify our body. in which she invites us to reflect on the importance of detoxifying our body frequently in order to live a full life full of good energy.

Based on my personal experience, I can assure you that one of the best ways to detoxify the body from all the foods with chemical additives and preservatives (sodas, sausages, canned foods, flavorings, sweeteners) and many other processed foods that we often consume, is through a diet based on fruits, vegetables and greens.

Sin embargo, aunque todo esto resulta muy beneficioso para nuestra salud, a muchos nos cuesta un poco cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios y renunciar a aquellas alimentos que más nos gustan. Pero aunque nos cueste un poco debemos hacer un esfuerzo y regalarle a nuestro organismo unos días libres de químicos y brindarle alimentos más saludables.
Fruits are great to replace snacks based on flour and sugars that are so harmful to our body. In the same way, vegetables, tubers and vegetables can replace carbohydrates (pasta, bread), they are also great companions for proteins (chicken, meat, fish).
However, although all this is very beneficial for our health, many of us find it a little difficult to change our eating habits and give up those foods that we like the most. But even if it costs us a little we must make an effort and give our body a few days free of chemicals and provide healthier foods.

Comencé a desayunar solo frutas gracias a un artículo que leí sobre los beneficios de ingerir frutas en ayuno.
En una semana ya se podían notar los cambios en mi estado de animo y el malestar ya había desaparecido casi en su totalidad.
Las frutas me dan una sensación de alivio y frescura a mi estomago, sumado al poder desinflamatorio de algunas.
As I have already mentioned, my opinion is based on my personal experience. Due to a sequel of a surgery a few years ago, I have had to deal with very annoying colon problems and although I used to take medications to calm the discomfort, I reached a point where I felt very swollen and in a lot of pain. Such was my discomfort that I no longer wanted to eat food, I would only eat a fruit or a cookie in the mornings.
I started to eat only fruits for breakfast thanks to an article I read about the benefits of eating fruits while fasting.
Within a week I could already notice the changes in my mood and the discomfort was almost completely gone.
Fruits give me a feeling of relief and freshness to my stomach, in addition to the anti-inflammatory power of some of them.

Les puedo decir que no lo recomiendo de ninguna manera.
La experiencia fue terrible. Estuve varios días con mucho dolor y calambres abdominales, no podía tomar ni siquiera un vaso de agua sin que sintiera que me lastimaba el estomago. Tuve dolor de cabeza, fiebre y otros síntomas muy molestos que solo mejoraron cuando puede volver a comer frutas, yogurt y sopas de vegetales.
However, after three months of feeling very good about losing weight as a result of my new eating style which consisted of eating fruit for breakfast, soups and juices for lunch and salads and proteins for dinner. I fell back into the routine of eating the same things as before and as expected, the discomfort came back even stronger. In my eagerness to detoxify quickly and without much effort or sacrifice, I decided to buy a sachet of a Detox from a well-known brand at the pharmacy.
I can tell you that I do not recommend it in any way.
The experience was terrible. I was several days with a lot of pain and abdominal cramps, I could not even drink a glass of water without feeling that it hurt my stomach. I had a headache, fever and other very annoying symptoms that only got better when I could go back to eating fruits, yogurt and vegetable soups.

Because of this bad experience, I no longer wait for my body to collapse to perform a natural detox, so once a month I take three days of detoxification and today I want to share with you my routine.

Es muy sencillo de preparar, solo se deben lavar bien los ingredientes, cortar el pepino en trozos, extraer la semillas y colocarlo en la licuadora con el tallo del celery cortado en trocitos.
Licuar muy bien solo con un poco de agua. Luego exprimir el jugo de una naranja y mezclarlo todo. Algunas personas prefieren colarlo, pero yo prefiero tomarlo así mismo.
During the three days of Natural Detox, I prepare green juices to drink on an empty stomach. These juices are very healthy and stimulate the drainage of toxins in the blood and in the kidneys and liver. There are many good green juice recipes, one of my favorites is made with just three ingredients: Cucumber, celery, and orange.
It is very simple to prepare, you just have to wash the ingredients well, cut the cucumber into pieces, extract the seeds and place it in the blender with the stem of the celery cut into pieces.
Blend very well just with a little water. Then squeeze the juice of an orange and mix it all. Some people prefer to strain it, but I prefer to drink it.

After a few minutes I have a glass of water at room temperature and prepare my favorite fruits for breakfast, generally my salad consists of apple, peach, banana, prunes and a little natural yogurt. Sometimes I add a little oatmeal flake and flaxseed. Actually, I really like it and my stomach appreciates it very much.

For lunch, I make chicken broth with vegetables and fruit juice. For dinner, I can have a serving of grilled chicken breast with a broccoli and carrot salad. During those three days, I avoid drinking coffee, although that does cost me a lot. I really like to comply with this routine, and I have proposed to do it twice a month and gradually increase the days until it becomes a lifestyle.

I really enjoyed writing this post and sharing my experience with you. I hope you like it. I take the opportunity to invite friends @linita, @creacioneslelys and @nathyileth to join the contest and tell us about their natural Detox formula. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.