Indian traditional sweets Milk Peda

Hi everyone
My greetings to you all
Hope you are doing well


Today I am here with a very simple but very delicious sweet made with a very few ingredients, that is Milk Peda. Just milk and sugar are needed to make this sweet.

Peda mainly belongs to the city of Krishna, Mathura in North Indian state of Uttar Pardesh. Mathura is famous for milk Peda. As it is made of milk it is very healthy for everyone.


2 litre Full cream Milk
150 gm Sugar
Cashew nuts or Pistachios

Basically we need Milk khoya to make Peda, so there are three ways you can make it

  1. Directly purchase khoya from market and you can make peda without talking much time.
  2. Make instant khoya using milk powder, this method too will take less time.
  3. Make khoya using fresh full cream milk, it will take a lot of time.

Let's start making it


•• Pour the raw milk in the pan (any kind of pan would work, thick bottomed pan is preferable) , a wok is most preferred, I am using am Iron wok here.


•• keep stirring it at regular intervals, it will keep boiling and Reducing with time. Keep the flame of gas to low-medium.
In this way you finish your other works side by side.
If you have nothing to do, and you want to make it fast, then keep the flame to high and keep stirring at short intervals. Then it will take lesser time to get thickened.


•• Once the milk get thickened, add the sugar in it. Mix it well.


•• Keep stirring it often, it will regain its thick consistency again after 5-8 minutes.


•• As it is thickened, and leave the edges of the pan, that means mixture is ready. Pour the mixture in a plate. And let it cool for half an hour.


•• After cooling it will be thicker in consistency. Check it. Make Peda balls by taking a small part of mixture in between your palms, and then press it softly.


•• Make all the balls this way. Now you garnish them with sliced cashew nuts of Pistachios.


•• Peda balls are ready to eat. Consume them same day or if you want you may refrigerate them for a week or ten days for consuming later.
As you put them into your mouth, they will just melt in your mouth, they are so yummy. 😋


A few tips at the end
•• I have made them in an iron wok, as it adds a good amount of iron to the Pedas while cooking. Their color too is a little darker due to the iron content.
•• You may increase or decrease the amount of sugar as per your taste.
•• With this mixture, I made 18 Peda balls, if you want more then increase the ingredients in the same ratio.

That's all for today
Thank you for your time
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