Grass-fed Steaks from South Dakota - Oh My! - by Sunscape

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When your family brings you "true" grass-fed beef from South Dakota, you save them for a special occasion. We decided to have them for New Year's Day. So much has been happening with my family traveling back again from Panama this past week with the passing of my son's father on Christmas Eve. I can finally put up this post even if it's a bit behind schedule.

I admit it has been a long time since I had such a delicious and tender piece of beef.


With steak seasoning and a bit of steak sauce, I let them sit on the counter to reach room temperature before cooking them.

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I chopped up three nice-sized shallots that I grew and went out to the garden to cut fresh sprigs of Thyme.


After cooking the shallots and Thyme for a few minutes in my largest cast-iron pan, I removed them to sear the steaks in butter on both sides. I had a small jar of Cowboy Candy sauce that I had in the fridge and added just a little for an extra kick.

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With fresh green beans and a side of cheezy-scalloped potatoes, we were ready to enjoy this special treat.


Of course, I like my steak medium-rare and it was cooked perfectly.


Is your mouth watering yet? I know mine is right now since I can still remember how delightful this steak was.

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I may have to fly to South Dakota to visit my niece and purchase a lot of them to bring back home. lol

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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