I'm into my eighth year on the blockchain and feel protective of it because I like it. I support it through power ups and voting on posts and comments. I power up a lot and I vote a lot. Go and have a look at my wallet if you wish, it tells the story.
I'm frustrated that many people power down and exit funds rather than taking some and powering some up to support the community. People can do what they like, but because I want to keep the blockchain sustainable I happily power up.
But I'm changing things up.
Remember I said people can do what they like? Well I can too, so I'm changing my voting habits by using my stake to support those who support the blockchain...and cease to support those who do not.
My new voting habits
I'll be checking people's wallets and if I see no power ups and a load of power downs exiting funds I'll not vote them.
That's it folks, simple really...no support for those who don't support the community and blockchain.
Additional work for me yes, but I'm up to the task...some will earn larger upvotes than they've been getting from me because there's so many takers out there, power downers, that'll I'll have to focus my votes on a smaller range of people - yay for those people.
More clarity
I don't expect people to power up everything like I do, but rather than take it all people could power up around half, maybe a third of what they take out. An example:
- A person wants to withdraw 100 Hive from their wallet: Power up 50 Hive and take 50 Hive.
That's supporting the blockchain and keeping it sustainable; it also means their vote value grows which means they can support others and earn additional curation too.
I have looked at many wallets in the last day or so and some accounts have no power ups for a year and more and more or tiny power ups of amounts like 0.050 Hive (half a cent!)...while they take hundreds out of the blockchain at the same time. It's not sustainable.
In summary
- I'll be checking wallets of those I upvote and supporting those who power up.
- If you're one of those power down and takers, don't expect my upvotes unless you power up.
- Don't expect curangel promotion, I'll be sending posts from those who support the blockchain.
- If you're a legit Hiver who powers up you may get much larger votes from me.
- I vote on comments on my posts and other's so comment with relevance and personality.
I've seen so many posts and comments saying how much people love and care for the blockchain...but there they are taking away from it and offering nothing in return. It's not sustainable. Hive isn't a personal bank. A quick look at a person's wallet, perfectly visible to all, tells the story about how much they support the blockchain. Power down after power down and no power ups, or power ups of ridiculous amounts like 0.050 (when they've just withdrawn 500 Hive the day before) is pathetic, greedy and selfish.
I care about the blockchain so from now on I'll be demonstrating it by removing my upvotes from those users who don't support the blockchain with a power up now and then...it doesn't have to be a power up of everything they have, just not some dumb-ass amount like 0.002 Hive and upvoting those who do support the blockchain and community.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Image(s) in this post are my own