Greetings friends of hive and @splinterlands today I will share with you a design of a diabolical woman The design is made in the Inkscape vector program, where the first thing I did was to trace the figure and then start playing with colors and give life to the He drew. Colors used turquoise, and green, then different filters were placed that gave rise to the final result that I will show you. Take a reference picture to illustrate the design
Here I show you the process
Trazado del diseño en programa vectorial
Aplicación de colores al diseño
Application of colors to the design
Animated gif of the design
Gif animado del diseño
Luego de colocar los colores, quería algo que se viera un poco diabólico, por tal motivo comencé a colocar varios filtros que lograron el resultado deseado
After placing the colors, he wanted something that looked a bit devilish, for this reason he began to place several filters that achieved the desired result
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Espero les guste
Nos vemos en un próximo post
Gracias por Leerme
I hope you like it
See you in a next post
Thanks for reading me