Contest Posts
Each week Splinterlands runs three different contest posts. These are essentially prompts to have "community engagement". It used to be various battle posts, now we are doing "support articles". This is a nice way to have community write the help manuals for new players. We also have the social media challenge. Without using my personal words, the goal of these posts is to do the following
Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!
We can consider this as our effort to get visibility and marketing, as these posts must show activity in the externally facing social media and not hive.
Third we have the Art Contest. Who can forget the recent @bravetofu comic book?
With that background, Splinterlands curators manually read these posts, and votes them as per their merits. If you think about it, this manual curation is a lot of work. Last 6 days, our curators have upvoted 170 posts manually! I want to say a big THANK YOU to all curators!
Intent of this post
The reason I am writing this post is because I want to promote good behavior in the hive blockchain. We like to reward people, but we also want something back.
- We like people to care for this blockchain
- We like people to create good and honest content, that benefits others
- While we do appreciate that people can take some rewards out; we don't want them to be extractors. Meaning, I prefer (notice, that I switched from we to I) that you not sell every single hive that you get
I know this last bit is a sticking point for many. So I wrote a post in August looking at every single hive account within the top 2500. Here is that post. In that post I defined a simple parameter KE as follows
If I divide Author Rewards + Curation Rewards by Held HP, people who held more HP than they earn will have a fraction less than 1.0. Those who held less HP will have a fraction higher than 1.0. This is the Krampus Co-efficient! Or KE.
KE = (Author Rewards + Curation Rewards)/Held HP
KE = 1.0, you hold exactly as you earn (approximately!)
KE > 1.0, you hold less than you earn
KE < 1.0, you hold more than you earn
Since I wrote that post, many of us, @slobberchops in particular, have been thinking about this a lot and trying to fine-tune this number. We felt 1.0 could be a number too harsh. I mean, it is okay to take some rewards out, just not everything. If you do then you are a LEECH in my book. That is not a good thing.
After a lot of thinking I settled for KE=3.0 is a cutoff.
So let us look at those 170 special people who Splinterlands voted over the last 6 days.
This is held hive power, along X-axis plotted against (Author+Curation Rewards/HP), plotted along the Y-axis. Since KE varies a lot, it is plotted in log scale. Higher the account on this plot, more the extraction. More towards the right on this plot, more HP you hold. Notice that above 20K HP there are few accounts, and none are extractors. They are good hivers! Kudos to them, please continue doing what you are doing, many thanks!
A little zoom-in to the cluster. The two horizontal lines are KE=1 and KE=3. If the account is above 3, the person have sold 3X hive than they received.
Do you like to know (obviously you do!) how many accounts have KE > 3.0 within 170?
A bit further zoom in to the cluster shows the pattern better.
By the way, I didn't highlight any names. It is random. I must say, I am glad to see the names that I like below the line.
For the people who are above the line I have a few suggestions
- Do better
- Care more
- Start now
That's all that I have.
Many thanks to @slobberchops for extracting the data.