Hive Creator Days | BuzzParty 2025 | Graz, AT

Let's visit @reiseamateur and his
beautiful hometown Graz, Austria!

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N E W   Y E A R   -   N E W   B U Z Z P A R T Y

In 2024, we took on Hamburg hosted by @tibfox (me) and the lessons we learned there will help us create an even bigger and better event in 2025! This year, we’re gathering once more for an epic BuzzParty, this time in the beautiful city of Graz, Austria!

But wait, there’s more! Not only have we switched countries and passed the hosting baton to the wonderful @reiseamateur (more on him below), but we’ve also been hard at work on something new and shiny: our brand-new branding. Allow us to introduce you to...

The Hive Creator Days

Our goal? To share about Hive, the endless possibilities this chain offers and how creators can finally own their content for real. This time, we are trying out new ways to bring the message to the so-called "outsiders," and we’re feeling optimistic that it will work better than last year. Grabbing people’s attention is the tricky part because, let’s be honest, we all already know how awesome Hive is and how it has changed our lives in such a big way.

This year’s Hive Creator Days are happening in Graz, Austria, from the 1st to the 3rd of May, and oh boy, we couldn’t be more excited! We are super happy that @valueplan is once again sponsoring the main part of the event!

We have some really exciting things planned for these three days, including presentations, fun side events, delicious restaurants, and a very special tour to an even more special place. But hey, we’ll keep that one a secret for now - more info on that later!

Let us now give you some facts about this year's event:

O U R   H O S T

A huge thank you to this year’s host: @Reiseamateur! Many of you already know him from a past @Hivefest, his recurring meetups in Graz and Vienna, or simply from his on-chain presence.

@Reiseamateur is a pro when it comes to hosting meetups. He’s deeply connected within the Hive community and the local networks in Graz and Vienna, making him the perfect person to lead this year’s event.

With his experience, energy, and connections, there’s no doubt that this event is going to be an absolute blast! So, let’s all give him a warm welcome to the team in the comments below. Don’t forget to check out his blog, and if you’re feeling generous, send a little donation along with your symbolic entry fees (more info below). ❤️


Graz, Austria’s second-largest city, is home to around 300,000 people and a rich history that stretches all the way back to Roman times. Its beautifully preserved city center has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1999, making it a treasure trove for history buffs and culture enthusiasts alike.

But Graz isn’t just about the past—it’s a city full of youthful energy, thanks to the many students attending its numerous universities.

From the iconic Schlossberg with its panoramic views to the futuristic Kunsthaus (art gallery), the unique Murinsel (an island on the river Mur), and the stunning Domkirche (Graz cathedral), the city offers countless historic and cultural landmarks to explore.

And let’s not forget the modern vibe! Graz houses a dynamic nightlife, creative street art, and a vibrant music scene that spans everything from jazz to electronic music. Whether you’re into history, art, or just a good party, Graz has something for everyone!

A   S T A G E   F O R   Y O U

We’ve secured a central and cool venue for the first networking event on Thursday and our Friday talks. Stay tuned because a detailed post about the venue is coming your way very soon!

As for the schedule, we’ll soon be planning the lineup of speeches to ensure our speakers have plenty of time to shine, while also keeping things easy and breezy for everyone’s brains.

If you’ve got a project, app, or any Hive-related topic you’d like to share with the community, we’d love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know. You could be one of our featured speakers!

M O R E   T H A N   T A L K S

Just like in 2024, we’re planning a handful of awesome side events to enjoy together. But the choice can be also yours - you’ll have the freedom to explore Graz on your own because we’ll provide you with the Graz Card 72h, which grants access to tons of museums, a city tour, and, of course, free public transport.

And here’s a little teaser: Saturday afternoon already has a super cool and exciting event lined up. But we’ll keep the details under wraps for now - stay tuned for more in an upcoming update post!

A L W A Y S   F U E L E D

One of our top priorities is to ensure that you have an amazing, worry-free time in Graz.

We’ve got your needs covered: from delicious meals to free public transport, museum entries, and more. We’re doing our best to think of every possible detail to make your experience unforgettable. If we’ve missed anything, just let us know and we’ll make it happen!

And don’t worry if you have questions, lose your way in the charming streets of Graz, or simply want to meet up. Someone from our team will always be just a message away to help you out.


Meeting people online is great, but let’s be honest—nothing beats the excitement and unforgettable moments of connecting in real life.

In 2024, we met so many amazing people from all over the world in Hamburg, and we’re confident Graz will be just as incredible. This time, our goal is to attract even more fascinating individuals, and hopefully welcome some new faces curious to learn about Hive, its fantastic community, and the endless ways to create content on the chain.

So, grab your favorite Hivers, friends, and family, and join us in Graz. Let’s make it a meetup/conference to remember!

G E T   Y O U R   T I C K E T   N O W

The big expenses for this event are generously funded by the one and only DHF through @valueplan, allowing us to keep entry fees for Hivers as low as possible. These fees will go towards compensating our team and, who knows, maybe even a little goodie for you! 😉

Hive-internal tickets are limited to just 30 (14 still available), as we want to reserve seats for potential new Hivers. So, if you know someone who isn’t on Hive yet, invite them for a truly special onboarding experience in the vibrant city of Graz!

We’re also working on a ticket website for “outsiders” so we can track the number of attendees. Please bear with us - it’ll be ready and live as soon as possible!

Amount10 HBD
MemoHive Creator Days Graz

For every Hiver: Simply send us the symbolic ticket price, and you’ll receive your very own handmade ticket as a comment under one of your posts! Of course, if you’d like to support us further, we’d be over the moon if you could add an extra donation!


If you were at (or wanted to be at) the BuzzParty 2024 in Hamburg, I thought I’d give you a quick ping here. I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you again in Graz this year!

@manniman @edb @artakush @solarwarrior @mary-me @ynwa.andree @machamorag2 @anna-newkey @arcange @minigunner @blockchain-oma @reiseamateur @ph1102 @detlev @bechibenner @werkseber @mypathtofire @danielhuhservice @balte @alessandrawhite @bitterirony @smooms @quekery @cryptospa @louis88 @rivalzzz @edje @ninaeatshere @kiel91 @an-sich-wachsen

And you all get a ping because your location tells us that you live in 500km range to Graz, AT:

@mammasitta @manncpt @schmidi @thermoplastic @vikisecrets @johannpiber @goga22 @careassaktart @vedranijus @olegw @jjprac @krakonos @radijte @hairyfairy @jerry63 @markbasscz @stehaller @antikesdenken @ditomi @steem-munich @thetroublenotes @backinblackdevil @budapestguide @cervisia @cpufronz @dk1trade @stehaller @florian-glechner @grenzenloser1 @khviola @kryptof @kryptogeier @melvin7 @mewdiaries @music-nature @nagogo @osak @richie8012 @solymi @stayoutoftherz @vafulu @weitblicker @xsasj

Eine kurze Info für unsere DACH Leute: Wir haben uns dazu entschieden, unsere Beiträge zu dem Event nicht mehr ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Unsere Zettel sind voll geladen mit wichtigen Aufgaben und ein Übersetzen der Paragraphen ist zeitlich einfach nicht machbar. Es gibt unzählige Übersetzungstools wie z.B. oder die oft direkt eingebaute Übersetzung in eurem Browser, die hier helfen kann. Die Teilnehmer in 2024 konnten zu einem großen Teil kein Deutsch also ist wohl der größte gemeinsame Nenner die englisch Sprache. Wir danken für Euer Verständnis. Bei Fragen könnt Ihr natürlich gern mich (@tibfox) oder @reiseamateur anschreiben.

Buzz Party is a initiative on Hive

Buzz Party owes its existence to Hive, a revolutionary decentralized system. Buzz Party is made possible by the support of the Decentralized Hive Fund and the hard work of individuals within the Hive community, showing the strength of teamwork and decentralized decision-making.

Hive is an innovative blockchain platform that puts you in control of your data and content. The Hive community collaborates together to shape the platform, creating a welcoming and rewarding environment. Hive Meetups, also known as "Buzz Parties," bring together people who share common interests and passions in fun gatherings around the world.

To learn more about Hive and its exciting possibilities, check out, the official website that showcases what Hive is all about. Join the movement and embrace the potential of decentralized social networking, where creativity and community are celebrated. Be a part of the future of social networking, powered by the people, for the people.

If you don't have a Hive account already, you can easily create one for free through Hive Onboard.

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