I have mentioned in my announcement post for the #HHHLive show, and also in the show, that I will shortly take a summer break to do those shows as I will be on the road and visiting my family in the next few weeks... That also means that I will spend less time on HIVE in general, but you know me, I will come here at least an hour (or two) per day to do my stuff (@liotes, @ourpick curation, posts, etc.)! Maybe you will not notice that I'm on break at all! 😂

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On my summer journey, I will spend some time in Serbia, and there was an idea of creating a HIVE meetup there for some time, and it's time to realize it! So during my summer break, I will be less online, but more offline with Hivians!! 😃 The idea was born when my Hive friend (names will be discovered in the future post) that I met in #HiveFest2022 in Amsterdam, told me that he would be in Serbia around the same dates as I!
A few months ago, another Hivian from Czechia, mentioned that he will be traveling through the Balkans during this summer and I understood that as a message from above to create a HiveMeetup!! 🤣

As this is a "Ph's Shorts" post, let's try to keep it short! For now, we have a few confirmed Hive musicians who will attend a meetup, a few Hive photographers that I hope will join, and some strong 💪 bloggers, so we will be covered with material from the meetup!
Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, but the meetup will take place in Novi Sad, on Saturday, August 17th!
Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia and there are multiple (easy) ways how you can get there from Belgrade or any other city... Regarding the exact place in Novi Sad, that will be discussed with people who would like to attend, but for now, I had in mind some location closer to nature, probably somewhere in Fruska Gora!
We will have an afternoon and evening to hang out, and we can change multiple locations... Again, depending on the number of participants...
In the end, I would like to tag some of my Hive friends who could be interested in this Hive meetup (please don't get offended if I missed you... it wasn't on purpose)... Would you like to attend this meetup, @godfish, @duskobgd, @ugochill, @bil.prag, @alt3r, @oks2crypto, @gadrian?
Of course, everyone is welcome to join! It would be great to see some pleasant surprises, maybe from some countries around Serbia! 🤔
So, if you are interested in attending the meetup, you can leave a message on this post in the comment section, or contact me through Discord, Telegram, Twitter, or whatever you are using... 🙂
Mark the date: Saturday, August 17th, Novi Sad, Serbia!!
Thank you for your time.

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