ENERGY REFILL CONTEST - Round 14 | De luz y estrellas


Eres una estrella, brillas fuerte y refulgente. Tu luz es veloz, nada viaja más rápido que ella...

...pero a veces simplemente no entiendes que tienes el poder de brillar con luz propia. Quizá en el camino empiezas a creer en las palabras de aquellos que quieren opacarte y con miedo te escondas en el lado oscuro de la Luna. Temerosa y frágil no creerás en tu poder. Seguirás oculta, sin sentir que eres suficientemente brillante.

Has prestado demasiada atención a aquellos que solo quieren mantenerte en su oscuridad, quienes imponen reglas y determinan quién puede brillar más que otro. Ellos siempre tratarán de apagar tu luz, pues simplemente viven una vida llena de críticas y dolor. También a ellos le quitaron su resplandor, solo brillan a medias viviendo de recuerdos que van cayendo a hoyos negros hasta desaparecer.


Y mientras sigues allí escondida, pasarán meteoritos rumbo a la atmósfera para convertirse en estrellas fugaces. Te platicarán sobre la belleza de la vida y sobre el poder de transformación. Te alentarán con palabras suaves sacudiendo cada fibra en tu interior. Ya no desearás seguir escondida. Flotarás viajando por constelaciones hasta que empieces a brillar, descubrirás tu Luz.

Entenderás que sí eres una estrella, capaz de iluminar al mundo entero y aún después de morir tu luz viajará para alegrar la vida de quienes tuvieron la dicha de disfrutar de tu destello.

Esta es mi entrada para el Concurso [ENERGY REFILL - Round 14]((@tripode/energy-refill-contest-round-14-eng-esp) contest created by @tripode, for this week the phrase to use is: "Hay suficiente luz en el mundo para que todos brillen" - Tripode


You are a star, you shine strong and bright. Your light is swift, nothing travels faster than it does...

...but sometimes you just don't understand that you have the power to shine with your own light. Perhaps along the way you begin to believe the words of those who want to overshadow you and in fear you hide on the dark side of the moon. Fearful and fragile you will not believe in your power. You will remain hidden, not feeling that you are bright enough.

You have paid too much attention to those who only want to keep you in their darkness, who impose rules and determine who can shine brighter than another. They will always try to extinguish your light, for they simply live a life full of criticism and pain. They too have been stripped of their radiance, only half shining, living on memories that fall into black holes until they disappear.


And while you are still hidden there, meteors will pass by on their way to the atmosphere to become shooting stars. They will tell you about the beauty of life and the power of transformation. They will encourage you with soft words, shaking every fiber inside you. You will no longer wish to remain hidden. You will float through constellations until you begin to shine, you will discover your Light.

You will understand that you are a star, capable of illuminating the whole world, and even after you die your light will travel to brighten the lives of those who had the joy of enjoying your sparkle.

This is my entry for ENERGY REFILLRound 14 contest created by @tripode, for this week the phrase to use is: "There is enough light in the world to make everyone shine" - Tripode

Y (And)

Hace algunos años escribí esta canción que habla sobre nuestro brillo, la recordé mientras estaba haciendo este escrito y deseo compartirla con ustedes.

Some years ago I wrote this song that talks about our brightness, I remembered it while I was doing this writing and I want to share it with you.

Translated with
Images from Pexels

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