Rubik’s Cube Challenge Update (Beginner)

Hello Hivers,

What a gwaan?

A few months ago my 10 year old son started a challenge to learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube.
In an effort to support him on his journey, we have done lots of research using YouTube and checked several websites to find out ways to solve the cube for beginners. Truth be told he did most of the research by himself and I simply supported him by learning about it too.

We started out with a cube we picked up at a dollar store and with that cube he has been able,(with lots of practice) to solve it and get his time down to just over a minute. After checking around I was able to source a better Rubik’s cube at a nearby bookstore. He was elated when I came home and handed it to him. Since we have two boys, we had to get two cubes. Even though his younger brother doesn’t have the same level of interest in Rubik’s cubes(more into video games) they were both happy so I was happy too.

Fast forward to today and the reason I’m making this post. Here is a video of his latest cubing time with the Rubik’s Cube.

Now that he is able to solve the cube consistently in under 50 seconds, I suppose a reasonable goal would be to shave off 5 seconds each month until he looses interest in cubing.😀

For reference, a competitive time to solve the standard cube would be about six or seven seconds and the world record is 3.47 seconds.

Stay connected, stay blessed.

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