Arte Digital | Digital Art
Greetings dear community, welcome once again to a new art process. I submit a fanart design for the art contest made by splinterlands, I'm surprised how hive artists can create art so quickly, I only spend two or three days on these fanarts for the contest. This time I have prepared the beautiful Lira, my god this character has everything I am looking for at the fantasy level, good body, sensuality and magic, I fell in love with the result. Come with me to see the creation process...
¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación

Materiales | Materials
- Mini laptop
- Tableta Huion H950P
- Programa Adobe Photoshop 2019
- Mini laptop
- Huion H950P tablet
- Adobe Photoshop 2019 program
Proceso | Process
El primer paso para esta creacion, fue idear todas la escena, tenia el personaje de inspiracion en un extremo para captar todas las partes mas visibles del personaje, forma del rostro silueta y demas:
The first step for this creation was to devise all the scene, I had the character of inspiration at one end to capture all the most visible parts of the character, shape of the face, silhouette and others::

Es momento de la aplicacion de color, lo primero escoger la paleta en la cual trabajaremos. Selecionamos un tono base no muy saturado y de este partimos para escoger la luz y la sombra:
It is time for the color application, the first thing to choose the palette in which we will work. We select a not very saturated base tone and from this we start to choose the light and shadow:r:

Despues de mezclar los colores de la piel con la herramienta dedo, procedemos a agregar color a su traje empezamos por tonos bases y de alli selecionamos sus sombras y luces para dar volumen:
After mixing the skin colors with the finger tool, we proceed to add color to her suit. We start with base tones and from there we select her shadows and lights to give volume:

Es momentos de detallar sus accesorios tanto botas como joyas, estaba encantado como se estaba viendo este personaje. di algunos retoques a su cabello para crear un poco mas de volumen este proceso lo hice con un pincel de cerdas parea cabello:
It is moments to detail her accessories, both boots and jewelry, I was delighted with how this character was being seen. I gave some touches to her hair to create a little more volume. I did this process with a bristle brush for hair:

Para finalizar agregue efectos de magia, y agregue un fondo realmente magico. este ha sido todo el proceso de creacion, a continuacion el resultado final :
To finish add magic effects, and add a really magical background. This has been the entire creation process, then the final result:

Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍

Art inspired by @splinterlands
¿Cómo pintar la piel en Photoshop? (piel difusa) | How to paint skin in Photoshop? (fuzzy skin)

Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- Mini laptop
- Tableta Huion H950P
- Programa Adobe Photoshop 2019
- Mini laptop
- Huion H950P tablet
- Adobe Photoshop 2019 program
Proceso | Process
The first step for this creation was to devise all the scene, I had the character of inspiration at one end to capture all the most visible parts of the character, shape of the face, silhouette and others::
It is time for the color application, the first thing to choose the palette in which we will work. We select a not very saturated base tone and from this we start to choose the light and shadow:r:
After mixing the skin colors with the finger tool, we proceed to add color to her suit. We start with base tones and from there we select her shadows and lights to give volume:
It is moments to detail her accessories, both boots and jewelry, I was delighted with how this character was being seen. I gave some touches to her hair to create a little more volume. I did this process with a bristle brush for hair:
To finish add magic effects, and add a really magical background. This has been the entire creation process, then the final result:
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Art inspired by @splinterlands
¿Cómo pintar la piel en Photoshop? (piel difusa) | How to paint skin in Photoshop? (fuzzy skin)