Saturday Art Shill! WIN one $BST by retweeting my pinned tweet on twitter! win an actual NFT!

As I wrote in my previous article twitter is a powerful tool to make allies for our community on hive. This is my Saturday #artshill I will try to do this on a regular basis. Win prices! Prices will be distributed after payout of this post at my own sheer will! Ask others who have won in previous giveaways if they where happy with their prices.

previous winners:
(If anyone does not want to be mentioned please comment below)

What do I have to do to win in this game?

  • Retweet this tweet!
  • copy the link to your tweet in the comments!
  • tag 1 artist and I will retweet their tweets! (optional but raises your chance of winning)

You can win

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-17 um 11.25.52.png

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