I recently came across a cordyceps flower while walking through a Chinese supermarket, and being a mushroom enthusiast, I was fascinated, as I’d never seen one in real life before.
source (assorted cordyceps photos)
Have you ever heard of mushrooms that turn bugs into zombies? That’s cordyceps for you— the fungi that sound like something straight out of a sci-fi movie!
Cordyceps takes over insect (video) (Note: the video is a bit spooky)
How They Work 🍄
Cordyceps begin as tiny spores that land on insects, such as ants. These spores grow inside the insect's body, affecting both its physical and neurological systems. The fungus eventually forces the infected insect to climb to a high spot, latch onto something, and then burst from its body, releasing new spores to spread the infection. While it sounds unnerving, this behaviour is part of the natural cycle of these fungi.
Why They’re Actually Helpful 🍄
Despite their eerie nature, cordyceps play an important role in ecosystems by controlling insect populations and helping maintain ecological balance. They’re nature’s way of keeping insect numbers in check, which is beneficial for the environment.
Cordyceps as a Herbal Drug
Cordyceps and Us 🍄
Cordyceps have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, primarily for boosting energy and improving vitality. Modern studies are investigating whether they could have broader health benefits, such as enhancing immune function or even fighting diseases.
Culinary Use 🍄
Though they may sound strange, cordyceps are actually used in various cuisines, particularly in Chinese herbal soups and broths. The taste? It's mellow, earthy, and slightly sweet—nothing like you'd expect from a "zombie" fungus!
When I opened the packet, the aroma was mushroomy and sweet. I hesitated to sniff it for a moment, jokingly wondering if spores could grow inside me (haha!). However, after reading this article, I felt reassured since human infection is not a concern.
Some people brew them into tea or simmer them with chicken in stews for a nourishing meal. After the initial "sci-fi" thoughts, it sounds pretty tempting!
Cordyceps in Pop Culture 🍄
Cordyceps are so unusual that they’ve made their way into pop
Cordyceps are so remarkable that they’ve found their way into pop culture. Fans of The Last of Us will recognise that the idea of fungi infecting humans in the game and show was inspired by cordyceps. Of course, that's entirely fictional—no need to worry about any "zombie" outbreaks!
If you're out in the woods or at a local market, keep an eye out for cordyceps. Just don’t worry—these fascinating fungi only target insects. And if you ever try cooking with them, they offer a unique and healthy addition to your dishes!
Would you try cooking with them? I think I might soon, once I get over the spooky stories!
Have a lovely Day,
Mariah 💗😊