Nice progress report. Fun to keep seeing the EDS grow. I love to keep stacking them while everything is cheap because someday I think most of the tokens in Hive will be worth quite a bit more than they are now.
As for "savings" tips.....the best thing I've ever figured out is for saving time. And you don't really save any...but it feels like it. Everyone has those jobs they hate doing. It could be laundry, it might be cleaning a particular room, maybe cleaning the blinds, mowing a particular section of your yard, trimming hedges, cleaning the garage, whatever it is. My single best tip (and this especially applies to those of us who occasionally tip back a few too many beverages) is.....drumroll please......wait for it comes......when you feel like shit, whether it be because you're hungover, or stressed, or under the weather, DO THOSE JOBS YOU HATE. Think about it, you already hate life during those times. You're going to feel horrible no matter what you do anyway. Instead of laying around bemoaning your fate, get up and do one or more of those jobs you hate. You won't feel any worse. And, you'll get something positive done that's been hanging over your head. That's what I do. Whenever I overextend my fun a little bit (it doesn't happen too often, but it does happen) I get up the next day and tackle a job in the yard I loathe doing. Then, when I finally start to feel better, I get to look back and see that I actually accomplished something I did NOT want to do. So, I turn a negative into a positive. Like I said, I'm already hating life. This at least gives me something positive to take out of it. Plus, it teaches me NOT to overextend myself because I know the penalty is going to suck. lol
That's all I've got. Hopefully it helps someone out there. I do have to say, it really is quite pleasing to realize I've completed a task even though I was miserable while doing it. I was miserable anyway. So, might as well get something miserable off my to-do list.
RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 20 - Saturday 15 May 2021 - Did you Get Your Cublife Airdrop? What about some Bitcoin? LBI Giveaway | Win EDS Tokens for Comments! Everyone Welcome