Es la primera vez que realizo un post referente al Hive Power Up Day, sin embargo no es la primera vez que hago Power Up. He realizado varios a lo largo del tiempo que tengo en Hive, pero por alguna razón nunca tomaba en cuenta ni participaba en los eventos de cada primer día del mes.
This is the first time I've done a post regarding Hive Power Up Day. However, it's not the first time I've done Power Up. I have done several throughout the time I have in Hive. Still, for some reason, I never took into account or participated in the events of each first day of the month.
En esta ocasión he realizado un Power Up de 41 HP, para pasar de 765.588 HP a 806.588 HP.
This time I made a Power-Up of 41 HP, to go from 765.588 HP to 806.588 HP.
Espero este año llegar mínimo a los 1500 HP, ya que considero de suma importancia el seguir creciendo en la plataforma.
I hope to reach at least 1500 HP this year, as I consider it of utmost importance to continue growing on the platform.
Seguiré realizando Power Up constantemente y en cada HPUD espero poder mostrarles mi progreso. Los invito a que sigan invirtiendo en sus cuentas y entre todos seamos gigantes.
I will continue to make Power Up constantly, and in each HPUD, I hope to show you my progress. I invite you to continue investing in your accounts, and together we will be giants.
Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas por mi
All images were taken directly by me.