Lira The Dark | My Entry for Splinterlands Art Contest

Splinterlands Art Contest

Hello guys, I'm back from the dead XD. I know I skipped the contest for the last two weeks. This wasn't supposed to happen because I already have some artwork in the queue just in case if I get lazy one day. But that was not the case this time because my eyes suddenly got blurry after using my buddy's pc for a while. Something like this happened last year and it was cleared within the day but this time it didn't so I took some days off to regain my vision back and I can say it's much better now but this time I think I need to upgrade my glass power sadly. This was pretty obvious since I'm a digital artist and I have no intention to leave this field haha.

Anyway, for this week I decided to make an official character artwork. It's been a while since I made an official one so I chose Lira the dark to be my artwork. I made some changes to it if you compare it with the official design to make her more suited for my style.

Lira The Dark


Official Design

Lira the Dark(1).png


Yeah, purple is not really my favourite colour but I made it work somehow. This is my second design of lira because the first one with the hoodie on her head was not really working for me. I didn't want to hide her beautiful hair like that so I excluded it from my artwork. I consider hair an integral part of my paintings. It really brings out the beauty in a character. Although I did have some trouble painting purple hair XD. My old method didn't work on this one so I had to experiment a lot with it again.

















I made this artwork very slowly, only spending 15-30 minutes per day because of my eye condition. So I have been at it for more than a week now haha. I'm glad that I could finish it today. Yesterday I made that background, very simple and minimalist but it looks great with her colour scheme. I used pen fade brush to create that strokes by the way.

In the official design, her hand is glowing but I wanted to change that so I added that glow inside the flower but with the same purple accent colour hehe. I also made her necklace in my style because I don't like the gold colour with her skin. The steel variant looks much better if you ask me haha.

I totally forgot to paint the buckle like thing infront of her dress. I painted that after finishing the whole thing. It's a good thing that someone made lira artwork on last week's contest. When I was checking out the compilation post today I saw it there and instantly understood that I forgot to add the buckle in my painting. Things like the embroidery work on the hand sleeves were removed because it looks off on my variant when I added it. I wanted to draw the earnings but the hair was gonna hide it anyway so skipped that as well. I think I already added too much stuff in there so it's gonna look bad if I keep adding more so I decided to stop there and refined the artwork in the meantime.

The light source I choose this time was a generic one, it was from the top so I was a bit worried about the final output but it turned out well. That's about it guys I hope I don't skip the next one. I'll try my best not to haha.

Tools used

  • Ibis paint X
  • Notebook
  • Pencil

Duration: less than 8hrs

Thank you so much for your time :)

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