Children under permanent Lockdown!

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Many of us have choices, but there are those that have no choices.

Yes, we can sit at home under the temporary Lockdown and moan and groan.
We can post our efforts to try and help others, or we can criticize and spew inane comments to make ourselves feel better about our own situations.

Suicide? Yes, we are even dealing with a few of these cases, as some people have lost everything, they are the only breadwinners and have now lost their jobs. Their aged parents' SASSA allowance is not enough to feed the whole family. Their children have to live on bread and water.

But I never talk about these things in my posts, as I always focus on positive stuff in the hope that it can help someone. According to the comments on my posts, some people appreciate my posts and a few will even try to implement some of the things that I do during these times.
But I digress, my purpose here is to show you that there is a great need out there and that we can all do something about it!


I so wanted to see double the amount of boxes here, but it was all that we could afford!

Have a look at this story below!

A proud and happy day for us this week!

A board member of a Home for disabled wheelchair bound children approached us and shared her desperate story with us. She has made application all over as the children of the Home would not have enough incontinent nappies to last them through the lockdown period. But she had no answers.
This is what The Papillon Foundation did (photo) and I am sad that we couldn't do more.
Papillon supplied 11 boxes of incontinent nappies, and three boxes were already used at this stage.
The happiness of the staff and the children was our reward, as they will make it now.

I have many photos like this, and over the years we have by grace been able to help many real needs; but our understanding is that this life is not about the self.
We are only on this planet for a short while, so why not try to make things a bit easier for those that suffer?

There are essential services out there on the go full time during the Lockdown period. Heroes that will tell you frightening stories about suffering. They care and so should all of us.
We are locked down, but we have a PC and a phone to order the nappies and to pay for it online.
Just our way to help those that cannot help themselves!

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Our help is only a drop in the lake of need, but many drops can turn the lake into an ocean!

We have thousands of Non Profit charities across South Africa and thousands worldwide.
We all need support and the support cake is very small.
I never plead for money, but it can certainly help us to do so much more.

Finally, I implore everyone to think about the dire situations of others and for all of those that already do, Kudo's to each of you!

Note: The photos of the children in the wheelchairs are not my own, as they were sent to us by the recipient Home of the children. Everything else is my own and I take full responsibility for it!

Just my 2 cents worth here and I will soon be broke if I continue to share my 2 cents Lol.

We hope that you have enjoyed the good news and a great thank you to all of our partners that support @papilloncharity


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