Here it is, almost a week after the wickedly-cool-yet-brain-melty #HiveChat #3 (and great idea to start numbering them, @hivetrending!) on Twitter, and I'm still finding tweets I haven't seen before! And believe me, that's not a complaint - I'm so amazed and thrilled at how many people participated! And instead of just sharing this on my Hive blog, I figured since a number of my WordPress blogging friends have asked me
I also thought that future Hive Chat hosts might want to check this out to get a feel for how they typically go - although as we're about to see with @nathanmars chat tomorrow, that there are no hard and fast rules, and you can do it in a way that works for you.
And while I originally planned to also include some of my favorite and/or most thought provoking answers in this recap, I soon realized how overwhelming that would be for a single post. I'm toying with the idea of doing a series of posts in the next couple of weeks, each one focusing on a single question with as many of the answers as I can pull together. Please shout out if that's something you'd be interested in seeing, or if this overall summary is all you need. 😊
Firstly, what is a #TwitterChat?
It's actually a pretty simple thing - essentially someone comes up with a hash tag and topic, then at the appointed time, the designated host starts tweeting out a series of questions. People then tweet out their answers using the hash tag, and merriment is made! Stella has a great guideline in this post, so be sure to take a peek. More specifically for my chat (which followed how the two hosts before me did theirs), as I explained to someone beforehand -
It lasts an hour. I ask a series of 5 questions, one every ten minutes, like so....
Q1 - my question
A1 - your answer + the #HiveChat tag.
Then chat with everyone else as much as you'd like!
While I'd heard about Twitter chats for ages, and saw various tags (usually related to blogging and writing) in my feed over the years, I'd never really participated in one before. But after the first Hive Chat took place back on July 21st (hosted by the incredibly talented @jeanlucsr, who also happens to be the creator of the HiveChat hashtag), I was hooked! So when @hivepeople (aka @stellabelle) offered me the chance to host the third one (she rocked chat #2), my answer was a...

In the week before the chat
Here are six of the tweets that I did leading up to the chat. Many awesome people, including the aforementioned JeanLuc and Hive People, also tweeted out reminders that the chat was coming.
Two days before, I tweeted this out -
- TraciYorkWriter
Then the day before, I sent out a teaser question -
- TraciYorkWriter
90 minutes before -
- TraciYorkWriter
Less than an hour -
- TraciYorkWriter
30 minutes before -
- TraciYorkWriter
Reminder - starts in 15 minutes -
- TraciYorkWriter
The #HiveChat begins!
Since I want to encourage people to continue chatting about these questions and answers, instead of embedding these tweets, I'll share the link to each, then write out the questions and include the amazeball graphics (provided by the also amazingly talented @stellabelle - thank you again for the gorgeousness!). Oh, and I have to admit, that while I added the #HiveChat to my first two question tweets here, it only appeared in my last three questions because JeanLuc shouted out and reminded me during the chat... 🤣
Welcome to the 3rd #HiveChat, a weekly #Tweetchat about all things #Hive!
⭐️ Use #Hivechat in all your tweets
⭐️ There are 5 questions
⭐️ Every 10 minutes is a new question
⭐️ Chat lasts one hour.
Have fun, chat a ton!
Thanks to @JeanlucSR & @HivePeople for starting this!
Question 1
Link to Tweet
Q1) Are your a #Hive #blogger, #vlogger, or both (and what kind of content do you create)? #HiveChat
Question 2
Link to Tweet
Q2) What are your thoughts about the ongoing issue with posts of little substance getting large payouts (inspired by a Twitter convo between @joseacabrerav & @jeanlucsr)? #HiveChat
Question 3
Link to Tweet
Q3) What are your favorite posts to curate (#life #blogs, #photography, #writing, #music, #cooking, #travel, @threespeak #vlogs, @splinterlands #gaming, @nftshowroom #art, @actifit #fitness, #contests like @yourtop3, @leofinance #investing #movies etc)? #HiveChat
Question 4
Link to Tweet
Q4) Can you suggest some of the best hashtags to use when sharing your #Hive content to Twitter? #HiveChat
Question 5
Link to Tweet
Q5) What are some questions you'd like to see addressed in upcoming Hive Chats? #HiveChat
Wrapping up the chat
These were the final two tweets I posted -
- TraciYorkWriter
- TraciYorkWriter
Initial Stats Report
The very next day, @jeanlucsr) posted an amazing report that said, in part -
During the time of this snapshot, 31.262 accounts on Twitter were reached, with those 100 tweets getting 172.750 impressions.
As he further explained on Twitter, that's not the whole story -
...actually that reach was a snapshot of a timeframe of 11 minutes during the chat. So it's a lot higher.
See why my brain was melted? LOL! Be sure to check out the rest of the stats, along with some cool charts and graphics in his post, #HiveChat Report Tuesday August 4th
Coming up next
We already have hosts scheduled for September! Here are the two tweets with the deets -
So far the calendar looks like this -
Aug 11: @nathanmars
Aug. 18: @artemislives
Aug. 25: @pixiepost
September (dates TBD)
That's all folks!
At least for now. There's so much awesome information, suggestions, and feedback that came out of this chat, that I'm sure I'll find more to say about it soon. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this such an AMAZEBALLS experience! And be sure to check out upcoming Nathan's Hive Chat, happening in less that 12 hours!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Hive Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
- Facebook ~ Traci Cavanaugh York
- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
- Instagram ~ traciyork_aka_internetg33k
- Pinterest ~ Traci York, Writer
- Twitter ~ @TraciYorkWriter
- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.traciyork.com/hivechat-3-my-recap-of-the-august-4th-hive-chat-on-twitter-hosted-by-me-traciyorkwriter/