OFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) August 1st 2020

Again, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this month's #HivePUD, either through powering up, posting, offering prizes, or spreading the word. We had:

  • 62 power ups from people who also posted on the 1st using #HivePUD (there were 73 posts with the tag in total, with 30 of those qualifying for prizes)
  • 64 participants for @victoriabsb's new Hispanic (expanded from her Venezuelan) #HPUD initiative.
  • 31,037.557 Hive Powered Up for #HivePUD
  • 1497.915 Hive Powered Up for #HPUD
...for a total of

32,535.472 Powered Up from 126
participants on August 1st!

big yes hive.gif


Between this and the brand new HiveBuzz Power Up Day Badge, I think @streetstyle will be wicked pleased if when he returns! 😊


OFFICIAL winners list for August 1st.

PlaceAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Thank you again @abh12345 for providing the numbers & chart! Have I mentioned lately that you're awesome? 😊


PLEASE NOTE - I haven't heard back from everyone who sponsored prizes last month, so these are still marked as ⛔ (NOT CONFIRMED) and ✔️ (CONFIRMED). I'm not sure if @streetstyle had everyone confirm their prizes each month, or if everyone just awarded them when the list was announced, so I'm doing it this way just in case someone didn't plan to sponsor again. If you've won an unconfirmed prize & you don't hear from the sponsor in the next few days, be sure to shout out and let me know, then I'll see what I can figure out.

1st Place -

500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @giftgiver / @rishi556 ✔️
500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
500 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor @davedickeyyall
5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


2nd Place -

250 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @bethvalverde
100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @hextech ✔️
100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


3rd Place -

50 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n
5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️


4th-17th Place Each -

25 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 weeks - Sponsor @sn0n


4th-20th Place Each -

5 HIVE Basic Income units/levels - Gift Sponsor @improv ✔️



1400 HIVE Power Delegation (amount & how it's split TBD after winner's list is announced) for 3 weeks - Sponsor @edicted



  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @traciyork ✔️
  • Winner of @traciyork's prize will receive 100 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION by @jeanlucsr ✔️
  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 10 HIVE POWER (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @livinguktaiwan ✔️
  • Winner of @livinguktaiwan's prize will receive 100 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION by @jeanlucsr ✔️



  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 500 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n
  • All eligible HivePUD Prize participants who qualify will be entered into a giveaway of 50 HIVE (1 lucky winner) - Sponsored by @sn0n
  • 2 redfish participants who meet at least the two basic requirements laid out in this post will receive a 50 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION - Sponsored by @fionasfavourites ✔️
  • 1,000 total HIVE Power Delegations (amount & how it's split TBD - I'm sending you a message on Discord with my suggestions, as requested 😊 ) for a period of 30 days - Sponsored by @sgt-dan ✔️
  • 8th place on the power up list will win 1 HIVE Basic Income unit/levels Gift - Sponsored by @cmplxty ✔️


Drawings for prizes from @traciyork, @livinguktaiwan, and @jeanlucsr

Here is the screenshot of all the entries...

And the winners are...

Hive PUD August 1 winners of drawing.jpg

@joetunex - you're the winner of my drawing for 10 HIVE! I'll be sending it along shortly!

@the100 - you're the winner of @livinguktaiwan's drawing for 10 HIVE POWER!

Additionally, you're both the winners of @jeanlucsr's giveaway of 100 HIVE POWER 3 WEEK DELEGATION

Congratulations to all of you! This post is the notification for the above sponsors, so I'm sure they'll be sending them out soon (as will I)!


Five for #HivePUD

As I announced earlier in the month, I have a brand new Five for #HivePUD initiative. So brand new, in fact, that of the 5 delegation prizes I had to give away, I only ended up with 4 entries from 2 people...

For the entries, @fionasfavourites had two tweets (on July 5th and July 21st) and one Hive post (also on July 21st) for a total of 3 entries, while @jeanlucsr had one tweet (on July 21st) for a total of 1. I thought I'd make things a big simpler by awarding them thusly: 300 Hive Power delegation for 3 weeks from @traciyork to @fionasfavourites 100 Hive Power delegation for 3 weeks from @traciyork to @jeanlucsr Additionally, I decided to do (after asking Victoria and checking with Nathan) is to donate the other 3 prizes to the #HPUD winners this month! So @victoriabsb will be announcing the #HPUD winners of: 100 Hive Power delegation for 3 weeks from @traciyork 100 Hive Power delegation for 3 weeks from @traciyork 100 Hive Power delegation for 3 weeks from @nathanmars

UPDATE - Apparently as I was posting this, almost at the very same moment Victoria was posting her Iniciativa: HIVE Power Up Day #HPUD Hispanos Resultados Finales Agosto! 💪 [ENG/ESP] || Final Results!! Talk about sympatico, eh? 😂 I'm also updating my numbers above because she had a much better turn out than she first thought - again, mega congrats to the Spanish community! ✨ 🌟 🎉

Also, I'll have a new Five for #HivePUD post out soon, so please stay tuned!


Again, I wicked appreciate everyone for making this #HivePUD event such a wicked awesomesauce success! The #Hive community ROCKS!


Blog thumbnail created on Canva, using a photo (that I first spotted on a post by @fionasfavourites) created by @nateaguila which is "free to use for the purpose of supporting, promoting, or marketing Hive-related topics or projects."


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