Partial parole: Day 1

After yesterday dawning like a winter's morning, the temperature spiked a mere 25 degrees to hit 37°C. A typical McGregor February day which ended in a balmy evening.

Thanks to last evening's parole announcement, we could actually enjoy it with friends down at the local.

Necessarily subdued because not only was it a "school" night, but we must still practice social distancing.

But still, Jimmy's is open and that's good for everyone.

Then home, respectably early for a cold salad supper.

Life, though, for many is not back to normal: key restrictions around gatherings remain in place so people who "do" gatherings for a living are seriously struggling. Other businesses have a long way to go to recover. Some may never.

Thank you Covid-19.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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