Firstly we have made the long overdue change to the rankings to put more weight on unique cards. This has been discussed in Discord many times and was something that we always wanted to do but decided to coincide this with a new feature called the "Pawn Shop" as this is another way to get more unique cards.
It takes a lot more effort to get unique cards than is does to just buy a load of packs and/or cheap cards from the market so this is now reflected in the rankings.
The percentages shown are more of a guide than a specific number as there is a weighting calculation involved.
Pawn Shop
To help you get even more unique cards you can now send any cards with luck on them to "rspawnshop" and receive either the extremely limited edition shiny card shown on the Pawn Shop page or "PAWNIES", which are points that can be spent on new shiny cards that will be added in the next day or two.
Only the player who sends the most luck on any given day will receive the shiny card shown (as long as they have sent at least the minimum luck required) and this card will change after a minimum of 20 days.
As you can see these cards will be very limited in number indeed!
You can access the Pawn Shop from the menu.
Send Cards In Bulk to rspawnshop
If you use the "Show Collection as list" button on the cards page and click on a card you will now see a new "Pawn" button that allows you to send up to 200 cards to rspawnshop in one go.
You can also send the cards via the "Sell in Bulk" link on the main cards page as this takes you to the same screen above with the new Pawn button next to the Sell button.
At approximately midnight UK time every day the total luck sent by all players for the day are totalled up and the rewards sent.
I know some players may be upset that they have dropped in the rankings but we feel this is a positive change for the game and we hope you will enjoy trying to get more unique cards!
Cheers and rock on \m/
Jux and the Rising Star team.
Rising Star - The FREE Play2Earn NFT virtual music career game built on Hive.