Hivesigner improvements #1

We have made some improvements on Hivesigner and more to come. Here is short list of changes, thank you for peakd, 3speak and number of people who are actively suggesting improvements and reporting issues.

What's new

  • Added Transfer from savings operation
  • Added Change recovery account operation
  • Added Update account2 operation
  • Replaced keychain with keystore that confused many thinking it is Hive Keychain password which it wasn't
  • Authority signing fix, you can see what permission each operation need before you login to submit that transaction
  • Wording improvements on Authorizing and Revoke screen, thanks to @starkerz for his detailed feedback
  • Initial version of extension already available on Chrome Store
  • We are preparing new update to Chrome Store with some fixes
  • Desktop app is discontinued, usage stats shows that it wasn't used by many. And I think, we can focus our efforts improving web, extension and start mobile application.
  • [email protected] released with fix on protocol url
  • [email protected] released with hive-uri fixes

We will continue to work on other improvements. Please report any issues or feedback in comments below or on discord, or on github directly.


If you would like to support development and further improvement of Hivesigner, consider supporting proposal #88. More information about proposal, you can read here.

Hive on!

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