#HiveChat - A Simple How-To for First Timers

I wanna go to hivechat but I'm not sure how.png

#HiveChat may well be one of the HEALTHIEST things happening on Hive. Why? Cos it's a totally grass-roots, anyone-can-join-in, fluctuating dialogue about Hive designed simply to engage a wide audience around 5 focused Hive Questions. It's NOT witness or major agenda driven. In fact, the rotating #HiveChat Host sets the questions, which are molded from responses to the previous week's #HiveChat, reflecting the chatter on Twitter about Hive during the week and with a little polish and edit for twitter brevity from Hive Marketing.

#HiveChat is Decentralization at work!

You really don't get to complain about decentralization and other people controlling the agenda if you don't engage and contribute.

So, How does it work? And how do you join?

  • Sign up for a twitter account and be sure to indicate in the Bio that you're a Hive person - it helps us to recognize & connect.
  • Follow the designated #HiveChat Host for that week.
  • And be sure to follow @HiveLift. 🤣

At the appointed #HiveChat time (please check your international time conversion!) you just need to be on twitter.

  • Your #HiveChat Host will post from their account at the appointed time with a striking image and pose an icebreaker question - just tweet your answer in response, and be sure to ALWAYS tag you responses with #hivechat

The 5 Hive Chat questions will be published at 10 minute intervals, for your engagement, retweeting, dropping of relevant Hive Chat posts and, of course, some creative emojis, GIFS and memes. 😆

That's all there is to it.

We're looking for honest engagement and retweetable content that will help not only the discussion to ripple out to people who didn't make it, but will extend the reach and profile of the Hive brand on Twitter.

The #HiveChat Host generally summarizes the #HiveChat responses on Hive, for the wider community to have access to. Yes, your voice and your opinion matters.

Be aware there are lots of lurkers who WATCH #HiveChat and don't tweet - that's great. Yes, we're on show and having our Shareholders Meeting out in the middle of the Town Square, so to speak, where all our prospective customers can see and hear us. It's NOT necessary to be plastic-false-marketing "happy", but please refrain from whining and moaning, and try to phrase your responses and further questions in a constructive "What if...?" "Could we..?" way.

So, now you know. #HiveChat. It's easy, fun and really helps grow the circle of people you know and can potentially engage with on Hive, and on Twitter.

Look forward to welcoming you!

Much gratitude to Hive's twitter #HiveChat pioneers and support team: @jeanlucsr, @stellabelle, @traciyork & @nathanmars. Serious Shout Out to the HiveHustlers who magic up some amazing NFT art & GIFS to make the content pop & offer astounding support!!


Uplifting all thing Hive! Find us on twitter @HiveLift

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