Get Ready To Tweet! #HiveChat FAQ & Tutorial


It's almost time for the #HiveChat!

So, tomorrow is the big day, we will do our first #Hive related TweetChat. Which is pretty cool on one hand, but on the other hand, the Hive Community is already really active on Twitter. Just check out these Twitter stats by @hive-data. So what would actually be the added value of a Tweetchat to the already powerful presence of the Hive Community on Twitter.

So why #HiveChat?

It will (hopefully) centralize tweets about hive to a certain time span, which will make it more likely to have #hive trending on Twitter. It will also provide an opportunity to talk about #Hive without promoting our content, just general conversation.

Why 12:00h (Noon) GMT?

It was the most suitable time to have everyone participate on the same day, from Australia late at night to the US early in the morning. Due to the big Hive communities in South East Asia, Nigeria, Venezuela and Europe, we had to find a time that would at least provide the opportunity for everyone to participate with people having to get up in the middle of the night.

How does it work?

The #HiveChat runs for an hour from 12:00 to 13:00 (GMT, so please check your timezone). It starts with a general introduction, an ice breaker and a #hive related question every 10 minutes. The #HiveChat questions are only used to give a general structure to the chat, all participant will be free to interact with one another and ask additional questions or provide additional answers to the questions asked by the hosts. The more interaction the more fun the TweetChat becomes.

Who are the hosts?

This weeks #HiveChat will be hosted by @hivepeople and myself. I will be asking the #HiveChat questions and @hivepeople will be scrolling through your tweets and responding to your answers. Based on how it goes, we'll switch it around next week or even introduce other guest hosts.

What kind of questions can we expect?

The questions will differ, and each #HiveChat will have at least 5 questions. A question could be something like:

"If there is one thing you could say about Hive to anyone who hasn’t joined yet, what would it be?"

All #HiveChat questions will be accompanied by very lovely designs that @hivepeople made:

How do I participate?

It's very simple. Just be present on Twitter during the time of the #HiveChat. Make sure to check the hashtag #HiveChat to view Tweets from other participants. This of course also means that you have to include the hashtag '#HiveChat' in every Tweet during the TweetChat, even in replies. Otherwise your Tweet won't be registered as part of the #HiveChat.

How do I keep track of everything?

TweetChats can become a little bit overwhelming when it gets crowded and multiple people are responding to you at the same time. It helps to use tools like (just insert the hashtag #HiveChat). It is possible to use hashtag search on Twitter itself, but in realtime, TweetChat tools are a little bit easier to use. Also keep track of your Twitter replies, just in case someone replies to your Tweets without the hashtag.

Any other tips?

No, just enjoy the experience. It can be just a fun chat with a small group of Hive Twitter enthusiasts or explode into a chat with 100+ people joining in. In the end, we are all participating to have a good time and promote Hive on Twitter.

A special shoutout to everyone that posted about, mentioned, rehived, liked, retweeted and promoted the #HiveChat. Much appreciated!

See you tomorrow!!

12 GMT Times:
08:00 - EST
09:00 - Brazil / Argentina
13:00 - UK
14:00 - Central European Time
17:00 - Pakistan / India
19:00 - Indonesia / Thailand
20:00 - Philippines
22:00 - Australia


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