Bon siman! Hope you have a great week!
In my never ending search and drive for reaching my full potential I've written about a few topics in the recent weeks.
This time I wanted to touch in "consistency".
Hailed as one of the key factors for success in many.... many self help/improvement books, it's one of those terms that tend to be overused.
You can hear it in sports, in your workspace, in your private space... I mean it's everywhere! And I get it, you don't want to be all over the place and reach level 10 one day to only reach level 2 the next. You want to find a nice balance of output you can keep up.
And if you've found your most effective way of handling things (in all areas) consistency is very much welcomed.
Random shot of tonight's full moon just so you can take a break from my rambling 😃
However I feel that 'consistency' falls short somehow. First of all the negative and positive possibilities in itself make it not enough to be consistent.
You can be consistent in being a bad cook... But that shouldn't be something to strive for!
And in that same train of thought consistency only has the value we bestow upon it if it's in something we've become 'good enough' at...
Secondly, the emphasis on consistency goes back to our tendency as humans to fall in the comfort zone trap. Logic tells us that to consistently produce something we would have to keep any variables involved, mostly the same.
For example you simply can't run the same 5km in 36 degrees (celcius) as you can in 6 degrees. You can't expect that from yourself. So in that sense, being consistent forces you into that comfort zone.
How do you feel about consistency? In which areas do you strive for it and it with areas do you let it go?
Feel free to comment below!