HiveBuzz Ranking update - New key indicators

The HiveBuzz Ranking Site is the tool that enables you to compare your achievements on the Hive blockchain to those of your fellow Hivers.

New key indicators have been added to the ranking

After getting feedback from several users, we have decided to add several financial indicators to those already existing (mainly your wallet tokens values).

Here are the new indicators in this release:

Four new columns have been added to the ranking.

Value($)This is the current value of your wallet given the current HIVE and HBD price in USD (average price taken from several exchanges)
HP ReceivedThis is the total amount of Hive Power delegation that has been received by to user from other accounts
HP DelegatedThis is the total amount of Hive Power that has been delegated by the user to other accounts
HP EffectiveThis is the remaining Hive Power available for use by the account. It is calculated using the following formula HP + HP Received - HP Delegated

Of course, all these new columns are sortable like any other.

Note: These values are not updated in real-time. They are recalculated approximately every hour, so it might differ from the value displayed on your Hive client (,, Ecency,…)

How to access the HiveBuzz Ranking?

In the top right corner of your board on the HiveBuzz' Website, you will find a hamburger menu.

Click on it to open it then select "Ranking"

You can also directly go to

HiveBuzz ranking page uses an adaptive web design so it will select the most appropriate layout for your screen. Landscape mode is recommended on small devices.

Support our proposal!

Our DHF (Decentralized Hive Fund) proposal is really close to being funded. A huge thank you to all of the supporters who have already voted for our proposal

We miss a few votes only (~ 500 HP) to pass through the "return proposal". This would allow us to implement the many ideas we have to improve Hive Gamification.

Be the one who makes us reach our goal: Read and Support our proposal!

Vote for it on, or using HiveSigner

Thank you!

The Hivebuzz Team

HiveBuzz is a project created by @arcange

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