How to get in real estates business :P. Cum ajungi in afaceri imobiliare :P.

Nothing to learn from this one, move on. Just clickbait title! I'm telling you, it has nothing to do with real estates :D.

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Da, a trecut o vreme de cand nu am mai scris in limba materna (pe Steemit). Dar sa trecem peste detalii si sa intram in paine.

Bun, acest articol este o continuare la acest articol :D. Asa ca da fuguta si vezi ce se intampla ca sa intelegi toata povestirea.

Life is easy when you dream, but things goes heavy when working for them dreams. Don't get scared, get stronger! This article is part two from here :D. Go there now, see what is all about.

Sunteti gata? Sa incepem atunci. Prima data imprejmuiesti locul, sa nu fuga chiriasii. Am rezolvat asta din prima parte.

Are you ready? Let's start then! First, make sure the place is secured, we don't want to lose our tenants. We got that from the first part.

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Dupa care aduni cativa pari, daca nu ai, omoara niste copacei.

Then gather a few wooden poles, if necessary, just murder a few trees.


Sterge-ti lacrimile, avem treaba! Acum luam cadavrele si le ingropam numai putin, ca sa-i vada si ceilalti si sa dea mai mult rod.

Wipe your tears, there's work to do! We take the dead bodies and ground them just a little bit. We need the remaining trees to see that and understand they need to work harder.

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Si acum putem sa ne jucam cu sarma, fotografiile sunt destul de explicative.

Now we can play with some wire, pictures are self-explanatory.


Mai multi copaci morti si mai multa sarma, plus cateva cuie :P.

More dead trees and more wire, also a few nails :P.


Dupa ceva timp, complexul nostru de apartamente este gata!

After some time, our apartment building is done!


Tot ce ne ramane de facut este sa bagam chiriasii si sa colectam chiria :P.

All we have left to do now is to get some tenants in and collect the rent :P.


This is all for now, gotta get back to work! In the meantime, if you are passionate about Homesteading, Off-grid, Prepping, or anything related to. You may want to start following :

@offgrid-online, or join off-grid Discord server

@preppersonline, or join preppers Discord server

@ecotrain, or join ecotrain Discord server

Also, check out , or join HomesteadersOnline Discord server

@gogreenbuddy is having a daily contest, check out his page :).

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