Tips on Growing Capsicums

My capsicums are finally bearing fruit!!

I planted two varieties on the 1 January 2018 (mid-summer) in seedling trays and planted out once they were about 4 inches tall, Not going to lie, it's been a long 124 days! I have included some information below about the types I planted, my observations and learning/tips.

Capsicum – Sweet Banana

“Compact and very productive plants, the sweet banana shaped fruits start yellow then turn orange and finally bright red when ripe, 90-100 days to maturity”

Above photos show the same plant 5 weeks later

Capsicum – Yolo Wonder

“Sweet and crisp bell type fruit that mature red, 90-100 days to maturity” (the ones that don't look like a banana/chilli!)

Hints & Tips
Seed raising
I started my capsicums in a cell seedling tray, using a standard seed raising mix the germination was very good 9/9 and 7/9 (first two rows from the right)

I probably waited too long to plant them out, Capsicums are hungry, they went into my topped up no dig lasagne bed (see previous posts) about 45-60 days after that bed was topped up.

Planting out
The 'glamping' or 'pioneer wagon' structure' built over the top of the beds was to help with our hot Queensland summer sun. When these guys were planted out as seedlings, they were wilting and drying out too quickly, the shade cloth was a lifesaver!

After searching online white horticultural 50% shade cloth which gave an effect of 27-30% shade was used. White was chosen as it offers sun protection but still lets in the light needed for plant growth.

I mulched around the plants with fine sugar cane mulch, and hammered in stakes before planting. Old pantyhose/stocking strips were used to gently stake the plants.

Watering & Care
The capsicums are watered about two-three times a week (depending on the weather), this is done using a watering can (with the head removed) at the base of the plant to prevent any mildew issues in our humid, hot climate.

Not all of the plants have survived, some have been sluggish from the start, another couple were attacked by grasshoppers so they are a bit behind the strongest plants, but I am not pressed for space so have left them to continue growing.

Final thoughts
My Bananas seem productive so far, more productive than the Yolos. I am waiting (not very patiently) for them to change colour, apparently if I pick regularly this will encourage more long does it take!? What a dilemma!

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