Woody Woodpecker Against Man: The Struggle is Real

While my husband, @jbreheny and I have been traveling across the country, little did I know my brother was having the fight of his life. I received this email from my brother, who resides in Florida where the woodpeckers are abundant. It was not quite funny at the time to him, but his email left me laughing out loud. I asked his permission to post his story on Steemit.

So here we go!

While you all were off gallivanting across the country - hiking through The Badlands in flip-flops and standing on the edge of magnificently terrifying canyons, I have been in the fight of my life against the son of Woody.

As witnessed in the below image, the son of Woody doesn't give two shits about this house.


After patching hole 1 and putting up some "reflective scare tape" that's supposed to avert these pecking punks

And that was just one side. On the other side of the house was another hole. I patched that as well.

He laughed at me (literally as seen below) while watching me patch his achievements. And one time, after cutting the wood for the patch and walking around the corner to get the nails out of the back of the car, I came back around, and he was sitting up there pecking at the hole on the left with no abandon.


Laugh it up jackass!

This called for military tactics and SHOCK AND AWE.

And thus, my counter move.

Come get some you dirty bastard!

Inspecting on Day 3 shows no new holes, just 2 pieces of ugly tape hanging from the side of the house.

Day 2.png

It seems the middle piece of tape "mysteriously disappeared". Now some would chalk that down to the subtropical storm Alberto that was gusting wind and rain at high speeds for the past day or two and pulled it off, I know the truth!

Somewhere there is a woodpecker with a disco ball in his hole.

Now I know why they made an entire cartoon of man vs woodpecker... it is a non-stop battle that includes repetitive hilarity and anger on a massive scale.


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