The Old Dog Says: Let's Get Frank Guys! You Really Should Be Sitting Down On The Job!

While working in a client’s house today I saw the massive sticker that you see below fastened to the flushing mechanism of their toilet. Discreet it wasn't and I instantly got the message. In fact, I got the message a few years ago! It took more than 50 years but it finally sunk in. 

Seeing that sticker convinced me that it was time to write this follow-up article to its predecessor: 

The Old Dog Asks: Pay Toilet Wars.... Are They Really Worth The Money?

The message was clear in this household of two men and two women! No language barrier here!

I pee sitting down. There I said it! Do you think less of me now? Do you no longer consider me a real man? 

I did resist sitting down for many years but a few years back I made the change. I decided that I had cleaned up my last splishes, splashes and misses. I also realized that it was a common courtesy to the toilet’s next “customer”!  What I didn't know before researching for this article is that there are also health benefits!

Why Do Men Object To Sitting Down?  

Apparently most men feel that there is something incredibly unmasculine about not standing up and giving the porcelain a good spraying! They prefer to just lean back, stare at the ceiling and hose away! 

My question is do they clean up after themselves or do they expect someone else to do it for them? Maybe they just don’t care, and if they live alone, then that’s fine.  

Top Facts And Benefits About Sitting Down  

  • Standing activates a number of discreet muscles in the pelvis and spine which inhibits proper urination!
  • Sitting decreases the incidence of prostate problems. 
  • Research shows that it helps men suffering Lower Urinary Tract Disease (effects 40% of older men) to pee with greater force. Sitting causes a “more favorable urodynamic profile” and this helps keep prostate problems at bay! 
  • A healthy bladder means a healthier sex life!
  • You hit the target each and every time. This means no cleaning up after yourself and if you can train your male children, no cleaning up after them either!    

  Did You Know?    

  • Apparently 30% of men in Japan sit while peeing. (Did you really need to know that?) Sorry I have no other data!
  • Taiwan’s minister in the Environmental Protection Administration is trying to encourage men to sit down after an inspection of about 100,00 public toilets revealed that their level of cleanliness needed improvement. EPA officials reported that standing causes splatter which leads to a bad smell. Duh!  
  •  In June of 2012 The Left Party in the Sörmland province of Sweden put forth a proposal to try and get men to sit down when using toilets at counsel premises! They sited both the hygienic and medical benefits of doing so!  

Questions To Consider

  • How do you men feel about the sit or stand debate?
  • How do you women feel about the issue?
  • Did you know about the health benefits?

I hope that you enjoyed this frank discussion!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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