Today I decided to do something kind of crazy... and to be honest I feel like I'm going to be sick!
"Hey- vulnerability- leave me alone right now, I'm in the middle of something!" -_-
I am an introvert and therefore being "out there" is a terrifying thought. When I was younger (8 years ago to be exact) I had a mortifying experience singing in public (like very public) and it's been a struggle for me to even sing out loud ever since which has been heart breaking because I love singing and without it, I feel like I'm missing something magical in my life. For all of these years, I have at max sung along in the car, maybe in the shower, maybe this "fake" voice I made up so people could never judge my real voice, but otherwise I kept my mouth shut. Today, though scared out of my mind, I decided to change that and sing to you. Maybe I'll even tell you the story about it one day ;)
That experience crippled me. That's why I'm doing this- we can't let fear have so much power over us, can we?
I decided to face my biggest fear and sing my little heart out to you all!

I hope this inspires you to do something you're afraid of! My stomach is quite literally turning, my mind is telling me to turn my computer off and walk away before I share my voice with the public again.
Just to amp up the volume on that fear-facing I'm doing, I decided to do this by auditioning for a competition on here called Steamian Idol hosted by @vocalists-trail.
By the end of my video, I'm flustered and completely bail on trying to tell you what's going on (I thought about cutting it out but decided it was too funny and love how it makes me laugh every time I see it) so what I meant to say if you liked it, upvote, resteem and comment to see me through to the next round! <3
Full (steem) ahead! Onwards we go! "I think I can, I think I can..."
Thanks for being here with me