I believe it is safe for me to say that at some point in your life, you have been placed in a difficult situation. It could be a situation where you feel like the world is against you or you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Maybe it's a situation that makes you feel like the dark clouds won't stop following you. You try your hardest to shine through with very little success. Each and every one of us have dealt with or are currently dealing with trials and tribulations. Life is difficult, that is no secret. In my experience, I have learned that we each have two ways that we can deal with these difficult situations.
Option A - You can view your situation in black and white

Option B - You can view your situation in color.

Sounds pretty simple, right? Unfortunately, for many of us we view things in black and white without even realizing we are doing it. Of course, I'm the not speaking for every single person just the majority of us. If you go back and take a look at Option A, most of the branches have a point where they start and then stop. In Option B, the branches mainly continue to flow into something else...
Now I want you to imagine this as a symbolic meaning in your life or situation. When we are faced with these difficult situations and we look at it through black and white (meaning that you believe there is only one possible way the situation can end), we are completely stopping the chance of any potential growth for our self. I, myself, do this often. Worry and stress take over my life and the situation, causing even more problems than I started with. Eventually you could start to look at everything this way and not even know it. You are then stuck with many starting points that all end just like the branches.
When we look at situations in color, our possibilites are endless! We are no longer limited to honestly thinking it is either this way or that way, with no in between. Looking through color opens our mind. It means that we are able to learn something from the situation, we are able to turn the bad into the something good. Rather than the bad continue to take over the good.
Let me give you an example-
You set a goal to start a new business. You make a plan and follow through with it. Congratulations! You now have a brand new business. How exciting! You advertise and advertise and advertise some more. Your business just isn't growing as fast as you planned.
You have 2 options...
Option A - You look at this through black and white. You planned on growth by now, even wrote it on your calendar but now your discouraged because it didn't happen. You become so disappointed that you lose focus. Unfortunately, your small business just got even smaller because you gave up. Life didn't go as planned.
Option B - Looking at life through color. Same scenario but this time you look at all of the options rather than becoming so discouraged. You now have plenty of options. You can wait it out, expand your services, change your marketing techniques, etc. The best part is that you chose how to handle the situation unlike black and white which basically makes the choice for you. So you now took advantage of all your options. You could of course decide the business wasn't for you after all. Your disappointed but still took the chance to have your business flow and expand into something more. You could also expand your business, change a few things and wait it out. You now have the chance to have a multi million dollar company, ya never know. The choice is yours.
I could honestly think of a million and one examples to describe the difference between looking through black/white and looking through color but, I think you get the point.
My point of this post is that I wanted to remind you to never give up. No matter what your situation is, look through color. This could be with a business, Steemit, your career, literally anything. Find the motivation that keeps you going. Worrying is normal and to an extent we do need to worry but don't let it take over your life, don't let the stress control you. YOU are in control of your life and your happiness, keep it that way!
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