Teddy's User Manual: the guide to life with a special needs cat.

IMG_4886.JPGHello ! My name is Teddy and I have nerve damage in my spine and back legs from when I decided a car engine would make a good bed. ( It doesn’t )

For the most part I’m fine and I get along alright. Because my back legs don’t work so well there are some things I need help with:



I can’t scratch my own head so please do this for me, especially when I’m pulling a funny face with one ear back.
I’m good about getting my nails clipped if you put me on your lap, facing away from you.
When brushing my face, support my head with your other hand.


My legs twitch when I’m having a poo or a wee. If you’re there when I’m in the litterbox you can help by holding the end of my tail to help with my balance.
I need the litterbox 3 times a day- First poo is at 6:30 sharp, First pee is at 7 am and final pee is just before bed time around 10 pm.
Make sure my bladder is empty before you leave in the morning and at night or you will need to clean whatever I was sleeping on. While I am perfectly capable of peeing by myself, if my bladder is full while I’m asleep it tends to escape on its own.
I’m very good about letting you express my bladder should you feel it necessary. Just make sure to support my back end either by holding my tail or putting your hand on my stomach. I prefer having the tip of my tail held up as this helps me balance.
Sometimes after having a poo I fall into it and need to be wiped down. Baby wipes work well for this. Help me stand up by holding my tail close to the base while you’re wiping.


If my leg is shivering it means I am in pain and likely banged my knees on something.
I’m not really aware of my legs and will jump off of things without thinking twice.
If you see me biting my foot when it spasms try to hold me down until the cramp passes. Sometimes flea bites, grooming or simply laying wrong can set this off.
The magnet pad helps if I sleep on it but you have to disguise it by putting something else on top.
I’m also good at taking medicine, just make sure I’m sitting down first.



I tend to flail about it bit when you pick me up. Just hold me firmly and I’ll settle down.
I LOVE fluffy blankets or gowns and will lie in your arms like a baby if you’re wearing the right kind of gown. Just putting that out there.
I also love boxes and catnip.
When we’re outside I yell loudly if I can’t see Flash, even if he’s just behind me.
The sound of plastic bags sets me off running around and attacking the closest scratching post.

Getting me into my carrier: Good luck with that!
Have someone hold the carrier in the air so it is the only thing I can climb into. Or put me in butt first.
Flash is also bad at this and he cries like a baby when he’s in a car. I don’t.
To get us out take the top off of the carrier.

And finally, if you need videos of how to do these things, go to my Instagram or Facebook accounts- The Story Of Teddy.
Hope that helps!

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