Hi everyone! This is my introductory post... I’m relatively new at this so please bare with me.


Hello everyone ,

This is all new to an oldie like me but I’ll give it my best shot.

My name is Aida and was originally born in Argentina and migrated with my family to Australia when I was a teenager and been here ever since.

Going back to that time, it was a difficult one for me as I couldn’t speak English and found it quite hard to communicate with my new found friends...
So, armed with a Spanish/English dictionary, I purchased a comic book and attempted to translate it (I used to love comics at that age, back in the old country) , however, as much as I tried, couldn’t make any sense of it...
Later in life I realized that a Donald Duck comic has a lot of hyphenated words such as “I’ve “ instead of “ I have “ and also, some American modism to words such as “unca “ instead of “uncle”...
No wonder I couldn’t translate it 😂😂😂.

So, put the comic book away and got me some little Golden (children’s) Books...
I though it would be the way to go ,as the words were simpler ... I mean, if kids can do it, surely I could too...

It took me a month to decipher Little red ridding hood...😜😜😜
But put to use all those new learned words and was fortunate enough that my new friends would help me to pronounce the words properly .
So I went and got two more Little Golden Books and was very excited, that I could read and understand most of the words...

So I kept buying and reading books (which my son enjoyed later in life).
About 8 months later, i progressed to reading newspapers...
And as time went on, I used my dictionary less and less until such time as I no longer needed my dictionary and had developed a love of reading ...
A love that I maintain to this day!...

Apart from reading, I love gardening, drawing, painting and my latest fad is adult coloring books... just can’t get enough of it 💜💜💜... especially while listening to softly played music, I could spend hours doing it.
This is one of my latest colorings...

I’m also a lover of nature... love the forests and beaches, plants flowers and animals , wild or domesticated.

And last, but not least, I have an interest in all paranormal and unexplained things... I have experienced it from a very early age and have always been curious about it... I’m the type of person that, if I hear things that bump in the night, I have to go and find out what is causing... I need it explained logically, and I’ve been this way ever since I can remember... I don’t scare easy , I guess.

I love thunderstorms and my favorite color is purple...

All in all, I really look forwards to reading your stories and posts
Kind regards.


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