Introducing myself


My name is Anina or Cristina (call me as you want) and I am happy I have discovered steemit, because I could find a lot of great information here and, most of all, it made me achieve an old dream: have a blog and get in touch with a nice community I can share ideas with. Although having a blog was in my plans for long, finding this platform was the incentive to really start one.

What I will be writing about?

Well, for now there are many areas, as new information comes across every day and I like to share it.

Now my main job is as a mom and, although it is sometimes hard, my child is one of the best thing that happened to me. Without pretending to have the key to success in this job, I share things from our life and lessons I learn as a mom.


But besides being a mom, I am a woman and a human being. And, in my opinion, one of the must-do things of a parent is to take care of oneself in the way the one feels it. Because, wanting or not, we are models for our kids and if you want him to grow up in a certain way you must show him that way you think life should be.

So I will share things that I like to do, interesting information I find (especially in the tech area), books I read, places I visit, how I see evolution of a human being (professional, personal, spiritual) and, in general, ideas that I find remarkable. I will not pretend I know something special, so please feel free to comment and open discussions if you find something that you are interested about in my articles. My goal is to discover life from all its angle and I hope to find here people to share ideas with.

I think we are all travellers in this universe and the environment is a playground that we have to discover. But in order to achieve it, we have to know, accept and overcome our fears, get to know ourselves as much as we can, be flexible in our way of thinking, enjoy everyday and never stop learning. So I am trying to do all these and build a nice way of living.


Hope to have a great time here!

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