G'day Steemit community, I'm the backpacking chef!

G'day Steemit,

My name is Llewellyn or Llew for short.
I'm a chef, backpacker (professional hobo), a hiker, camper, volunteer worker, PADI certified diver, animal lover and a vego for starters.


I'm 27 years old, and left my home and all my possessions in Australia to go and explore the world, meet new and amazing people, experience some very different and fascinating cultures, and of course, live off a very tight budget while enjoying myself. I've been traveling the world for the past year or so with my partner @jessbear (who introduced me to the Steemit community, thanks Jess!!).

Wandering around the endless expanse of Van lake in Turkey

One of my favourite things to do when I'm not cooking, is hiking, and exploring places that are 'off the beaten track'. I'll be giving you a peek at some of these amazing places, as well as tips and ideas on how to travel on a budget!

What I want to share with this community, is some of the recipes I've been taught by locals along the way (especially some traditional Japanese cuisine I've mastered), as well as some of the incredible places I've had the pleasure of visiting such as lakes that are so big, they seem endless to the naked eye, forests that are so lush and green, you'll think you've found another world, and beautiful coral reef filled with turtles, fish and all other kinds of sea creatures.

Some fellow backpackers and I preparing the Japanese dish 'Takoyaki'

Follow me as I explore countries, reveal some tips for traveling on a budget, meet the locals, learn new recipes from them, and do my best to recreate their beautiful dishes

I can't wait to share this all with you :)

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