DO WE HAVE A FUTURE, or are we building a future for the power that be now.

This is a topic which covers most parts of our lives, basically are we free or slaved to working for a future designed by others.
This brings questions everyone should be examining. I think we all can come to a compromise, were we agree an amount of control is needed.
By this I mean rules/regulation/laws we agree to live by, and therefore a penalty for not abiding by said laws. I believe in taxation, taxation is needed to provide for various things, such as public services, Refuse collection, water supply, a transport system, public representatives and so on, basically the things we have now, which were once paid for through tax's, Have now been privatised and the tax we pay does not diminish we pay the same tax and now to a private entity to supply what we had already paid for.


Take a organisation like NASA, paid for through tax's, and the technologies and devices which come from the goals of NASA go to creation of profits for a private entity. The tax you paid develops new technology, which is privately marketed to gain max profit from a tax investment.
This same thing is done within the military industrial complex. The people of a country are sent out to fight a private war, You pay your tax, it is then side-swiped to defence, a foreign country is attacked, a resentment of the attacking country is formed within the invaded country. When a status quo is reached beneficial to the invading force. The people of either country will not be any better off. Those who sat back and funded their war will reap rewards from the tax payer investment for a war designed by those behind closed doors. You invest they research another profits?

Well we could go on and on about all the things done wrong and nothing would change, Unless! we can change how things are done.

What needs changing? well just about everything. Firstly we need to think about WE not ME,(lets turn the M upside down). The world in my opinion is we are upside down at the moment. With all the rage in Cryptocurrencies, There is very little change to the norm, people still act and react the same as before. In the last year, very few people have entered the crypto market with the intention of using crypto as a currency. The higher majority are here for the possible gains which can be made from these currencies. As of now crypto currencies are doing nothing more then making some gain more wealth. Finance is only one part of the changes we need, with little or no look to the future. The future seems doomed to stay within the hands of a few controllers.

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The structure of society today is divided on many aspects, and the one commonality for all of these is the need for finance. Each year you need more and more finance to pay for what you had the last. Rates and tax's rise quicker then your income. One medical bill or one missed week at work, A new member to a family or a new car is needed, If you are on a tight balance this year, next year gets harder. The crypto currency will does us no good if the rest of the world is governed by the same people. the value of crypto lies within the ability to spend it. The more variation of the currency the less impact it will have, an adaption to one currency where the profits of this currency are put back to social improvements and a reduction to the cost of living is what is needed. This begin the restoration of power, without this there will be a buy out and acquiring of company assets until again, a monopoly control is gained by private corporate.

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I see a few roads to achieving these goals. The name to them I am unsure of, Community currency, global currency, people currency, which ever title you give to it, Let it be a currency that profits everyone to use it not just an individual. This is the morality behind the idea of Satoshi, Not a currency to profit from but a currency to take the corruption out of it and create an environment of finance without government. Autonomous Public Crypto. We have a place to start, where would we like to end? what is between is everything we must overcome.

Energy, wanted and needed by us all. The burning of fossil fuels to provide this energy we all agree is still too high and should be reduced to 0. Providing the alternative power does seem to be a battle, I ask the question here, How much less fossil fuels been used is enough to say ok we will do that as it saves x amount. We need to look at this type issue long term, and that everything we do not reduce now is more we will need to do later. Renewable energies, are bypassed by large corporations who have invested heavily in fossil fuels. This is what holds the development of renewable energies, until those who now control the power industry can control the renewable.

Food and water with housing, would come next in reducing the costs of living. All of these initiatives can compliment and promote each other for faster growth.

This post is not the solution to the world, But a place to start on building a better environment to live. It is not a this will fix everything post, Just a place to start which can provide the finance for itself progress and expand. A chance for your voice not to be drowned out by the lure of money.

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